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Help please, I am an idiot.

Yesterday evening, I decided that I wanted to vast for 24 hours starting Sunday night at 6 PM till Monday at 6 PM - 24 hours. My last meal was in and out. You know how I am clearly a genius. Everything was goin good today. I took my son to the dentist. We got stuck in traffic and I just started feeling very weird around 3 PM. But I shrugged it off and keep pushing. I got home, and about 5 o’clock I broke. I decided to eat some trail mix slowly and my wife made food for lunch that I reheated. I had no appetite whatsoever, I forced myself to eat. I put down maybe a one cups worth of lean beef with rice. I could not make myself eat. While I was eating I was feeling shaky (throwing up shakes) and I told myself that was enough. I grabbed an orange ate half of it. Then I opened the trash can and puked pretty well. I do have to say, I have an iron gut, generally speaking I never puke. It’s been multiple years since I have thrown up. My wife even joked that since we have been together she has never seen me puke. Well, after I puked out mostly water and the tiny bit of food I ate. I ate a banana and some crackers. I took a hot bath and just woke up from a cat nap. I still feel like shit. I would like to mention my kids both have been throwing up due to some virus they caught. But, they are both better. We called their pediatrician today and they said something is going around that is a stomach virus. That it goes away with 24 hours or so. So I am shook on if I am just a pure idiot and fasted to hard for the first time. Or I got sick while I am fasting for the first time, and clearly still a dummy. Right now, I am a tad bit anxious because I haven’t eaten, yet I am not hungry at all. I am worried I will not get an appetite for some reason. If anyone here can over any advice or words I would really much appreciate it. Thank you!

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Sounds like you got their flu. I’ve fasted many times and the only time I’ve thrown up was when I had snake juice. (I switched to magnesium by pill form, sodium and potassium in water with lemon, consumed slowly, no more problems.)


I think you got it from the kids that happened to me a couple weeks ago. It’s been circulating throughout all the children. I hope you feel better soon. I’m so tired from the last two weeks of fevers and vomiting and no school because of the illnesses. Right now I’m laying in bed while my kid is at school. I really need to start a new fast to get my energy back up. Last night I ate some gross sushi and my hands are literally puffy from the sodium content of the soy sauce and whatever sauce was glopped all over it. I’m to go to the gym tomorrow. I’m one of those people that has to go to the gym every day and fast to keep my energy up. Unfortunately I have been eating carbs out of tiredness. Get well soon OP and don’t worry you can do your fast again soon.

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