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Hmm overeating doing 16/8

Ever since I started going to the gym I’ve noticed that I get hungry more often and eat more during my eating window to prevent myself from getting too hungry and so sometimes id go to bed bloated. I have work between 9-4 and it’s not possible for me to have dinner earlier due to 1.5 hour commute so my question is how should I set my eating window to prevent myself from eating so much at night and also not being hungry the next day?

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everyone is different so you’re going to have to experiment and see how it works out for you.

Assuming you are sleeping 8 hours a night, you either need to not eat for an additional 8 hours when you wake up or quit eating 8 hours before you go to bed (to get to your 16 hour fasting goal). Or I suppose a combo of 4 hours on either end will work too.

there’s no magical right or wrong answer. You’re also going to need some willpower to power thru those times when you are hungry. no pain, no gain


Thats because you have increased your caloric needs. By working out you increase the amount of calories you burn. While exercise is good for this you can only lose weight so quickly. You could end up in a situation where working out makes you far more hungry at those times you don’t want to eat.

Your body is a system. If it sees you need X number of calories, and you are eating less then that, it will make demands for more by being hungry. Since you can only lose weight so quickly in terms of max fat burn a week there is no way to make this happen faster then that. Basically you have to figure out what your goals are. If your goal is to reduce your weight then you can do that through consumption control alone. Once you get your weight closer to what you want then you can add back in more intense activity. But just doing more doesn’t mean you will lose weight quicker. The goal here is to get to a place where you can control weight through diet alone. Then exercise just becomes a way to increase your fitness level.


Have a plan to follow. Build your meals on like myfitnesspal.com or their app like the night before or the day before so you could keep track of what you’re consuming worth of food. Regardless, you want to be eating enough calories to sustain yourself and thats why I like using the website and app to build the days food log to see if Im overeating and stuff like that. In my experience it definitely helps to have a food log for the day than to just wing it cause I used to try and eyeball everything I ate and guess if I had enough food.

While fasting, do drink plenty of water as simple as that sounds it curbs hunger because hunger and thirst often get confused.

I too feel sorta bloated before bed because my eating window ends at 8pm and starts at 2pm, tomorrow Im gonna try and change it to be 12pm to 6pm eating and 6pm to 12pm fasting because I like the 18 hour fasting. But I kinda like the eating until 8pm because I have a one day a week family dinner at grandmas house with my parents and its nice cause I can enjoy a meal there and we usually finish dessert around 7:30 so its gonna take some planning on my end to be able to end my eating window earlier so I can have a more empty stomach.

Hope you find your way. Stay hydrated and stay strong.

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