| | Water Fasting

Hour 48 into my 14 day

Well, last night just sucked.

I swear, I was going to cave last night. My brain started calculating anything remotely delicious in the house….chocolate chips for baking…a bag of Ruffles potato chips…

I woke up this morning and couldn’t believe I made it without caving. So, I guess two official days down. Past hour 48. My period still isn’t here… Really hoping that it gets here asap because this pms hunger is just an extra fucked-upedness to deal with then regular hunger…

I keep reminding myself what 109lbs felt like. It felt really good, so that’s what I am using to keep me going. I just watched my husband eat a Peanut Buster Parfait. It’s an ice cream from Dairy Queen that is ice cream, chocolate sauce and peanuts.

Screw that guy.

Will check in again tomorrow.

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Boy oh BOY is this familiar. At my weakest, I just can’t stop thinking of McNuggets in honey dipping sauce! Curly fries! Orange beef from my favorite Chinese place! Fried calamari! Curry udon with beef and cheese! It’s AWFUL!

But once I overcome those urges, talk myself down, remind myself WHY I’m fasting and what I want to get out of it? The feeling of satisfaction from NOT giving in like some dumb, instinct-driven animal is impossible to describe.

You’ve fought your hormones and come out on top! Congratulations! YOU are in charge of YOU! Keep reminding yourself of that!


I was so excited to see you on here because I followed your last long fast (excited to share the journey again, not that you had the regain and struggle). I’m similar age, height, etc so your experience resonated for me a lot. I hit my goal weight (112 for my 161 cm) and immediately got pregnant and regained all but 10 lbs. I’ve lost a decent amount but I’d like to get healthier plus I have some clothes I really want to wear but don’t fit into. You’re one day ahead of me in your fast. I’ll be following you and cheering for you. Like you said in a different post, you’re glad you got the starting over with. That’s what I think when I get tempted with all the food sitting out in my house. I’d have to restart. What a pain. I’ll just keep fasting.

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Categories: morning weak beef struggle pain