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How can I stop eating ?


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Removed for rule 2 - disordered behavior

It is perfectly normal to have “the urge of eating food”. If you’re fasting then binging, that’s disordered.

Fasting will not fix your relationship with food


Go easy on yourself. Fasting is a skill and like any skill, if you don’t practice, you’ll have to build it back up to a certain extent. You’ll build it faster because your body “knows” but you still have to have some patience. Try really hard not to worry about the weight and focus on getting “stronger” with the skill in the short term


It sounds like, though, your big hurdle is mentally wrestling with “hunger pangs” again. Otherwise your will to abstain shouldn’t be as much of a breaking point. Here’s some things that help me get through the 20-30h “hunger” wall if I’m dirty (start fasting with a lot of carbs in my system) and feel deeply tempted



You could also do things like go into a fast by having 3-4 days of low carb nutrition (keto). This helps a lot. You could work in with intermittent fasting, too. If you’re making it past 24, try 18:6, 20:4, or OMAD for a few days so your body gets used to dealing with the hunger sensation


Good luck. You got this. You’ve done it before and you can build up to doing it again!


Your body is designed to make you want to eat, literally millions of years of evolution made that one the primary goals you’re intended to do. There’s nothing wrong with you for getting hungry after 26 hours of fasting. It sounds like you’re developing an eating disorder


Do you have any extra stress in your life right now? I find it harder to deny my hunger when I’m dealing with stress at home.

Sometimes exercise or meditation helps me. Sometimes it’s ok to admit that it’s just not a good time to be fasting.


I’m with you on that. Same struggle. I find it once you get past the 2 or 3 day mark the temptation starts to go away and the hunger. It’s just getting past that mark. Keep yourself busy I prayed my butt off when I got severe temptation it worked. I got to day 4 almost 5 and broke it and i wasn’t even hungry i don’t know why I quit I could of kept on going.. 🤦‍♀️and ate bad food when I broke it. Tired of the cycle too. Regretted it now. But gonna keep trying my goal is 21 days as it takes 21 days to break a habit. Not saying for you to fast 21 days but I’m with you. It’s the sugary foods and where I live that’s all they buy so it’s hard for me. I just stay in my room mostly unless absolutely necessary and/or have no urge for food at that moment. Staying out of that kitchen. I am starting my 21 days fast again tonight. 🙏 I hope you will overcome that urge and break temptation so you will be able to get where you need to be. I have to say to myself “I am in control of the food, not the food controlling me”.


Get your electrolytes! It’s one of the most important thing for for extended fasts. And I am not talking about gatorade!!! Go to cvs and get your potassium, magnesium and sodium otherwise it’s hard to not give up and eat


Please consider Intermittent Fasting (IM). Some experts have led me to believe that (over a period of time) you get the same benefits as the kind of fasting you’re trying to do and it’s much easier. I admire your discipline and dedication to fasting. But I do believe you’re pushing yourself much harder than you have to. I strive to go 18 hours a day without any calories and that is hard enough! Anyway, be good to yourself. You said you feel ‘fat and insecure’ and I will leave you with this big idea: your feelings lie. Don’t believe them! Take good care of yourself.

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