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Trouble eating well on my non fasting days. How to stop the junk?

This week, I’m doing two 60 or so hour fasts as I have a big weekend coming up. I have a 24 hour break in thr middle.

My problem, however, is that in that break, I ate junk, drank wine and probably went a fair bit over maintenance calories.

I have no problem sticking to the fasts, however, today I feel bloated and gross because of the junk yesterday.

Does anyone have any tips so I can ensure this doesn’t happen again?

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I often ask myself how will I feel after eating the junk food? And remind myself that I will be proud if I don’t. I also remind myself it’s never too late to put the cookies back in the bag. I think of it as a treat for myself to go without.


Swap soda for kombucha/water flavored with lemon or lime juice, herbal tea you really like, black coffee

Swap fatty cheeseburger for salmon burger or turkey burger

Fish tacos with cabbage slaw

Keep veggies that you like and flavor with sauces you really like, siracha or balsamic vinegar, and a little bowl of rice, I keep little microwaveable minute rice because it’s easy to make and I usually only cook healthy for myself.

Zucchini and squash frozen slices are great to throw in the micro and dowse in some balsamic and call it a day, almost tastes sweet to me especially after a fast.

Instant pot soup, make your own with frozen veggies and chickpeas it’s filling and low calorie, not a lot of prep

Smoothies! Easy just blend up spinach, pineapple banana strawberry spinach is verrry low calorie and high in nutrition

Stay away from alcohol, it will ruin your progress. One or two glasses of wine are fine with friends on special occasions, don’t make it weekly.

Most importantly, don’t beat yourself up. Acknowledge your binge and plan to do better next time. You can do it!


Don’t do it. Haha just dont buy that stuff, have your first meals planned out.

I always find it easier to pick good food when I’ve fasted, I become so much less impulsiveness and more observant of what I put in my body.


Hey, I actually just heard a tip about this that I feel will help me with the same issue, so I’m going to pass it on to you. All credit goes to the book “Life in the Fasting Lane” for this one.

Basically, if you’re sitting down to eat food when breaking a fast, don’t start the meal with starchy carbs (bread, potatoes, processed carbs, etc). They spike your blood sugar and make you more likely to overeat them and everything else. I literally just did this yesterday when I ate dinner and had way too many mashed potatoes. It was no fun, and breaking a fast should be fun. The book suggests instead to start with vegetables that grow above ground and then move on to protein / fat. The veggies have bulk and fiber and will activate your stomach stretch receptors, which triggers satiety hormones. Then end your meal wtih those sweet ol’ carbs, and you’re way less likely to continue to eat them because you’ve already filled up on good stuff.

Also, water. Drink your water.

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Categories: calories tips soda tea coffee fish vinegar a fast nutrition alcohol binge life in the fasting lane starch carbs blood sugar dinner fiber stomach