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How do you guys deal with ID when you have to cook for your family?

Title says it all. I find it really, really hard to fast when i have to be preparing food for others (especially kids). Any tips? This is the biggest obstacle ive had to doing this consistently .

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I do all the cooking. I just make sure my feeding window ends around the time I feed others. The difference is only having two tacos instead of six or one bowl of stir fry instead of two.

The hardest part is having to do prep work during fasting. My adhd makes it super hard to not lick my fingers or pop random bits in my mouth absent-mindedly.


I’m a single mom that prepares most of the meals. My kids are old enough to prepare their own breakfasts. I’m usually not tempted to eat at that time. If I am, a glass of water or a cup of tea helps me.

My difficulty is in knowing if I’ve seasoned enough. I’ve been asking them to taste though.


I make up a big thing of black tea or coffee or ice water and sip on it while I’m feeding my toddler and child. So the oral fixation is still being satiated but I’m not eating. I also try to not think in black and white terms. Like I tell myself ok if I don’t make it to 20 hours, it’s ok. I still made it to xx amount of hours and that still counts. And usually if I have that frame of mind, I can make it to my goal time. If I tell myself I CANNOT eat until 20 hours, then it’ll be all I think about, unfortunately.


I’ll just say that after some time being around food when I’m fasted isn’t a problem. But early on it definitely is.

Few suggestions …1 - don’t take the first bite thinking it’ll help. None is tremendously easier than one!

2 - use a fasting app like life or zero. Before you break your fast, make yourself stop the fast in the app. Look at all the fasted hours you are throwing out the window. It’s very hard to press the button! I call it extra courage. Best use of the apps IMO.

3 - Plan out your meal. It should be much more appealing than whatever you’re making for kids. Think of your meal - add some tweaks - when the urge strikes to eat kid food.

4 - Definitely don’t suggest diet soda. YMMV but the super sweetness just perpetuates the desire for that super sweet sensation. Go with strong black coffee or hot tea. Or just water.

5 - if you must, save some if it’s super appealing. Eat after your healthy meal.


Single dad here, and pretty newbie to IF, but what I do is trying to feed everyone around 7 or so, then breakfast each gets their own and I have mine whenever I break fast. If dinner runs late, I might “snack” my last dinner why I’m prepping to have it according to my eating window. It can be tempting to have their leftovers or something, but so is tempting eating junk food. Life is pretty much learning how to deal with temptations.


I’m only about a month into (OMAD) but I have disconnected myself entirely from what the rest of my family is doing meal-wise. I help prepare the meals for my wife and children and try to be present with them as much as possible during their meal but my own feeding is done completely separate. That way certain food temptations are removed and I can stay in my zone which involves a certain focus and preparing more low carb options and spreading my feeding over a longer period while not feeling rushed or stressed. Maybe once I’m getting closer to goal weight I’ll try to move to 2MAD and integrate my routine better with the rest of the family.


I think you just have to get used to it. I make breakfast for my kids everyday and lunch for them when they are home. I’ll sit with them with a cup of coffee while they eat, but I am seriously not tempted to eat anything. I’m just not hungry and it’s just not the time I’m used to eating. I usually prep dinner early in the day as well. It’s really all become a chore for me. I eat a small meal by myself in the afternoon, and then thoroughly enjoy sitting down to eat dinner with the family.

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