| | Water Fasting

Serious: How do you guys deal with hunger pangs when wanting to get to sleep during fasts?

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Curl up in the fetal position and pray to the hunger gods that the pangs stop.

Really, just waiting it out usually works. Or drink some water if you can. But whatever you do, don’t eat. The pangs will pass.


Water (cold, cold water). Lemon-ginger tea. Black coffee. And a new thing I started doing recently is - I write a quick line or two about how I feel after a 20 hour fast. All of them have been positive feedback. I read through these lines or think back on them to remind myself that I genuinely do feel amazing after 20-hour fasts, especially after a 20KM bicycle ride. One of those false flag motivational things to trick the brain.


Honestly, for me drinking my tea (or coffee whatever you prefer) helps because caffeine suppress hunger for me I’m not sure if that is a proven fact! 😅 Also like everyone else had said A LOT OF WATER!!


Water water water. Also, the times that you are fasting is important. I’m on 18/6 and eat a small lunch at 2p and then a reasonable dinner at 7:30. I’m asleep before I get hungry again, have 1 cup of black coffee in the morning followed by water. Go to the gym, more water and then It’s almost time for my 2p lunch. Eat plenty of protein and veggies when you do eat, it keeps you fuller and satisfyed for longer


I get the sleeplessness real bad!!! Even from just one day of fasting, it makes it too uncomfortable for me to fast because I end up feeling real crap.I figured it out though! Electrolytes. They seemed v complicated to me but I’ve realised that even just adding a pinch or 2 of salt (any kind) to my water can help a lot, and I’ve started doing it even with short fasts like 18hr. Highly recommended trying it.

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