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How much easier does it get per fast?

I’m currently on my first clean 48 hours fast after doing 16:8/18:6 for a week, my bf is on his 2nd 48 hours after doing OMAD for 2 weeks and seems to be doing way better than me. This sub has been really helpful and a common thing pops up about it getting easier with time.

Would I be less lethargic/woozy/shaky (I’m supplementing some electrolytes on even this short fast which helps) for my next 48 hours fast or is it gonna take a lot longer? Does it take longer for women to adapt? Also I’m bmi 22.5 and only have about 15 pounds left till my ideal weight, does it get harder closer to your body goal?

Thanks for any help, I guess I just want reassurance this is as bad as it’ll get lol

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I’ve been doing OMAD for a while (since March), and each longer fast got easier. However, doing ADF was harder. I’m not fat adapted - I eat what I want when I eat (within reason) - so I’m guessing that’s probably why ADF is difficult for me. Once I get past the third day in my longer fasts, I’m fine, but ADF was tough for me.


Personally, every fast is different. Some are easier some are harder. I do mostly 36-60 hours but don’t really plan on a time. I know I might go up to 2 days but if I feel too bad I’ll do less. And sometimes I realize I haven’t eaten until late afternoon and feel great so I’ll just turn it into a fasting day. I don’t think it gets consistently easier as such but you’ll learn what to expect, how much you can push and you’ll be used to it. In your case you’ll learn if moving or lying down will help you more with feeling shaky. Especially for women the cycle may have some influence as well.


It only gets easier if you become fat adapted, this requires you to do keto on your eating days. It actually becomes harder and harder to fast each time if your don’t plan to be fat adapted. Fat adaption can be done a few way, either fast a whole month, or do short bursts of fasts and only eat keto, you will not become fat adapted if you eat carbs on your eating days.

As for your case, I assume you plan to fast to lose the weight then go back to normal eating, u can do this. But your next fast will not be easier.


Keto and OMAD have made fasting extremely easy for me.

I don’t want to brag because I remember reading about omad and how easy it was. It would piss me off that I struggled so much. Once I stuck to keto and omad, it got easier day by day.

I was actually remembering a month ago, sitting at my desk starving. Now it’s 45 days later and I have to remember to eat something. Once I got used to the routine, I stopped thinking about it.

It’s almost too easy now which has me worried. I dropped 4 lbs last week which is odd in my tracking of the last 12 weeks. I realized I wasn’t eating enough calories when I did break my fast. Full 36-48 fasting also became a lot easier.


I don’t think it’s the best idea to do EF’s with a BMI of 22.Also you shouldn’t ever be shaky or woozy . That’s a sign your electrolytes or sugars are off. When I’m doing break the fast. Don’t be a hero. If you still want to do EFs you shouldn’t start until fat adapted (~ 5-6 weeks or more) and keep very very Low carb before the fast. The more in balance your electrolytes are and the lower your fasting BS the easier u will have it.

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Categories: omad electrolytes a fast keto to fast carbs struggle calories sugar low carb