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how to overcome intense feelings of hunger the first few days of long term water fasting

i’m looking for tricks and tips to overcome the hunger pains i feel before transitioning. i made it for 33 hours only to give into my urge to eat. it seems worse in the evening at bedtime. i would just go to sleep but i have problems sleeping even without fasting. any advice will be appreciated. i used decaf tea and bullion in moderation and had a bit of luck with that for about 4 hours.

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Just at the end of my first 72 hour fast, so I’m not super experienced but these are what have worked for me:

When I feel hunger pangs in my stomach I drink a seltzer water (like LaCroix) and chase it with ice water. Basically try to fill up my stomach with cold liquid and gas. Seems to trick it into thinking I’m full. But after a few hours it just goes away on its own. Hunger is a part of circadian rhythms and comes in waves

I drink a glass of electrolyte powder every morning. This has been a huge help. I use Ultima brand

To help me sleep I take a double dose of my sleeping pill. I still wake up in the middle of the night more often than when I’m not fasting, though.

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Categories: water fasting tips pain evening sleep tea 72 hour fast stomach morning