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I am still strugling with binging after breaking my fast

I love carbs but inorder to lose weight i am trying to cut fats alot and eat lean meat and carbs .. i am eating 2 meals and trying to eat what i really love like pasta with chicken breast or rice abd chicken or rice crisps with any meat …. the issue is i cant stop eating when i break my fast .. like craving hits me every half and hour or an hour seriously … and it is very hard to get through it without eating It is more difficult than hunger

I can fast good .. but when i eat it is a real feast .. and it is not about junk only .. i can binge on sweet potato and white rice idk where is the problem is that mental or a real thing with the type of food i eat .. but it is like a weird status i am in where i cant control my self and eat non stop

I dont want to do keto or low carb , i tried alot and i will not do that again to my self …. i am satisfied with they way i eat bow but may be i need to add more fats and reduce some little carbs or is that in my mind only and i am used to binging ?? I am asking bec if someon had the same issue plz help

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There’s a possibility that eating so much carbs (rice is especially high glycemic index) will make cravings more intense because they’ll cause a quick blood sugar spike and crash. Keeping to lower glycemic index foods (salad, whole wheat pasta, wild rice. etc) can help this. Check out this list

Have you tried planning your post fast meals and portions when you’re still fasting?

I used to have this problem but now I log the meals into myfitnesspal with my intended portions before I break my fast then weigh the food when I’m prepping it which seems to help keep things on track for me

How long have you been fasting for?

A lot of people find that after you exercise portion control for while it gets easier.

You could also try one meal a day if you find it’s hard to control with a larger eating window. I do OMAD frequently which for me eliminates the ability to overeat since I cant physically eat that much in one sitting.


The best things to do without going extreme would be to push most of your carbs into the later meal and also eat more complex carbs. The body loves carbs because it’s easy energy and breaking your fast with them can cause some folks to crave more. Stick to more protein, good fats, and fiber for your first meal.


If I had to calorie count, it would ruin IF for me. A big part of the benefit imo is learning to eat intuitively. It helps me to break fast with a large serving of vegetables and protein and then I ask myself what else I’ve been craving during my fast. Sometimes I have something specific in mind and sometimes I just need bites of a bunch of different things until I’m satisfied. I have another snack before I close my window (4 hours) and then I’m done for the day. I try to take a short walk at this time to seal the difference. I’m most tempted to eat again in the next 2-3 hours after closing my window so I know it’s not hunger. It’s just binge eating calling me. For me, keeping that shorter window allows me to turn off the eating before the bingeing starts.


Start planning ahead and calorie counting. Once you have reached your calorie limit cut yourself off and accept you are done for the day regardless of what you crave or feel. Eating anymore would erode away your calorie deficit needed to lose weight. Also bear in mind things like pasta is very carb heavy, make sure you are getting enough protein and veg to ensure you feel full.

You managed to fast for a long period of time before breaking the fast, so you do have the willpower to resist overeating when out of fast.

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Categories: binging carbs lose weight meat chicken binge keto low carb blood sugar one meal a day eating window omad energy fiber snack deficit to fast