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I feel amazing when I fast, but when I break the fast I feel terrible. What gives?

This week I’ve done two 36 hour fasts. Monday and Wednesday of this week. I was in such a good mood on Monday and Wednesday even though I was hungry, and I was super productive as well. When I ate on Tuesday and today, I just feel icky. I feel sleepy, I feel unproductive, and a little sad to be honest. Whenever I eat I feel bloated, even though I stop eating as soon as I feel full.

I’m not eating horrible btw, for breakfast this morning I had a banana, grapes and a blueberry muffin. For lunch I had a salad with vegan chicken, also some vitamins. The calories add up to 1,070 so far today and I don’t even know if I want dinner because I feel so shitty.

This doesn’t seem normal to me, I just called my doctor to get a referral to an allergist because I’m worried I’m eating something I’m allergic to. Idk.

Does anyone else experience this? My motivation to eat is getting lower because of how good I feel when I fast lol

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Vegan chicken is usually soy protein and a ton of vegetable oils. It makes me feel bad on a normal day. Maybe try eating regular chicken instead or just having beans. Maybe also consider grapes and muffins are high in sugar which will spike your insulin.


its a parasympathetic response, rest and digest.

breaking fasts tends to cause sleepiness, which is why they should be broken in the evening so that you can sleep it off. in my experience, the sleepiness lasts within 2 days of eating.


If I’ve been carb-free for more than a day and then indulge in sugar my bowels ache, my stomach hurts, I have less energy and I feel mentally like crap. I don’t know about anyone else but sugar/carbs make me feel just all around awful.


Honestly it’s probably the fact you’re eating to many plant foods/carbohydrates. SIBO and other gut disorders can arise in long term plant based diets. You sound like you have a very mild case

You should at the very least look into adding a significant amount of healthy vegetable fats like Olive Oil and coconut oil. That will likely help alot.

But it probably would be best to add in animal proteins as well but I understand you being vegetarian this isn’t really an option.

Maybe something like eggs would do from an organic free range farm. Most grocery stores now-a-days have them.

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