| | Water Fasting

Inquiries for starting rolling 72s for the first time

  1. The country I’m currently in doesn’t carry NoSalt. Will plain sodium and water be enough?

  2. I’m currently 12% BF wanting to get down to 7% BF, how long would I have to stay on 72s? Should I eventually go down to 48s or OMAD when I reach my goal?

  3. I’m doing re-feeds of ~5000 kcal with ground beef, cheddar cheese, greens and butter. Is this too much? I want to lose fat and build (or at least maintain) muscle. Is there anything I should add to my re-feed?

Ultimately I want to have a body like Vegeta, and I’m willing to do whatever it takes to get there. Any advice or tips are appreciated.

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  1. Potassium is needed on some level. You can probably get away with it during 3 day fasts, for the first few weeks if not months, but if you don’t get a large amount of veggies on your refeed days you might want to order some trace minerals / electrolyte powders online.
  2. Completely varies. I would recommend OMAD once you get there. There is a whole host of benefits to intermittent fasting, and you will likely need to fast on some level to maintain that low bodyfat level. Look up leangains by Martin Berkhan.
  3. Depends on your weight, age, and physical activity. 5000kcal might be too much if you use multiple refeed days. It might be too much if you only use one refeed day. You might not even be able to eat that much within a short time with such satiating foods. If you are not getting as lean as you want lower it. If you are not able to lower it because you binge too much…then you can’t lower it lol. If you are losing STRENGTH (not “muscle”, but STRENGTH), then increase it. If you can’t increase it…then you can’t increase it lol. You will learn how to adjust as you do it more and more.

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Categories: sodium omad beef muscle tips potassium 3 day fast mineral intermittent fasting to fast leangains martin berkhan binge