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IF for benefits other than weight loss?

Hi all,

New to this sub. I am likely in the minority of people here in that I don’t do intermittent fasting for weight loss. I’m more interested in the cognitive and health benefits, such as autophagy, more energy, better sleep, etc. I also like the simplicity it provides.

I typically drink plain green tea in the mornings, nothing added. Occasionally I’ll do a black coffee, but that tends to make me jittery so most days I stick to the tea.

I know although these drinks don’t have any calories, I’m wondering if this will negatively affect the benefits I’m looking to get from the fast?

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A few years back in the UK they conducted a study on morbidly obese people with diabetes. It was a short term dramatic reduction in calories. Within a short period of time many were able to stop taking diabetes medics and most could reduce the amount they were taking. Everyone lost weight but that wasn’t the goal. The hypothesis is that the first fat the body uses is from the internal organs and that helped improve the pancreas.

I’m not a medical person, but I highly doubt drinking black coffee or green tea with have any measurable effect.


No. Tea is fine by any standard I’m aware of, even the obsessive one.

And yes I do fast but not for weight loss, for health and to maintain lean as I get older. Better skin, better figure, feel better.


I fast for all of the mental benefits. On day 3 of an extended fast my head is next-level clear. I can process my thoughts so easily, think sharp and deal with problems with very little stress. I feel happier too, but I’m not sure why. I also like the discipline.

My skin clears up when I do rolling 24s (OMAD) and rolling 48s which is really nice. I feel more energetic than when I was on a traditional 3 meal a day plan.

I am also on a weight loss ‘journey’ (ugh) so fasting does of course help with that. This is never my number 1 priority when fasting, but it’s nice to know that that’s happening in the background whilst I enjoy all the benefits of it.

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