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I’m so hungry!!!

I’m doing 20:4, and I wake up starving! I’m not so hungry later in the day, its the morning that kills me. My schedule is wake up no food until 6-8pm (whenever I get home from work), I stop eating at 10pm. I wake up starving. I’m so hungry right now. I could eat a horse. Any advice?

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Woah. That schedule works for some but eating so close to bedtime = super hungry morning for me. Is it possible to eat 5:00-9? Or honestly, OMAD stopping at 8 but still adequate calories, ending it with high healthy fats, high protein?


Definitely the protein in the dinner… My husband and I can break the fast around 1-2pm with overnight oats, chopped fruit, eggs, nuts, yogurt, etc. But dinner should be a more sustainable dinner (for us, animal protein and veggies/salad), otherwise we get very hungry in the morning.


Animals that eat plants have to spend a lot of time doing so (grazing, etc), because the energy and nutrients from plants is relatively low.Animals that eat animals only eat once per day, if that, because the energy and nutrients from animals is relatively high.

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Categories: morning omad calories dinner fruit energy