I had to eat something. I lasted 48 hours and lost 4 lbs. I’m currently 6 hours into my next fast. How did you curve the hunger? And can someone give me some inspiration?
What works for me: Sit ups, yoga, take a walk, water or tea. All pretty basic but they helps. I have done it before so I know I can do it……just try to remember that, Also……I like to hang up in a prominent place an article of clothing I am trying to fit into…..helps keep me focused on my goal. I also sit in the bathtub and read….lots!
It gets easier the more you do it, Because your body adapts and makes various changes. You also get more used to it, which makes it easier psychologically.
So I would recommend starting slowly, and not trying to do too much at once. Make a simple, small changes and see if you can stick with it for a while. :)
Once you’re on a specific fast and having cravings, you might consider using “training wheels”, something like a tablespoon of chia seeds soaked in water, for example.
It’s not a strict fast anymore, but it will help control your cravings and won’t disrupt the health benefits you’re getting from fasting all that much.
Good luck!