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Is regular eating necessary?

21 Male.

My average fasting time daily is 22 hours and I’m wondering will my body eventually say: this is fine and I won’t see any progress? I’m doing Omad for now, I eat my meals around 3-4 PM.

I’ve started it a week ago and I’m on a 6 day streak.

My question is should I add regular eating habits like example in the weekend just 2 days and 5 days fast? For some variation?

Next to the fast I’m also doing walks/jogs or full body workouts at home.

I got no complaints at the moment.

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You’re talking about having a cheat day or cheat period. It’s totally fine to do so, if it’s for the purpose of maintaining the overall lifestyle change, and as long as you don’t go overboard. Most dieticians worth their credentials agree that adding in a day to not worry about your diet can be beneficial to stay the course long term, but if you’re happy going seven days a week, do that.

There’s no significant benefit in having a cheat day other than supporting your long term goals, and a cheat day is unlikely to mess up your progress.

I don’t fast for the entire weekend, and I’m still losing weight. Do what works for you. IF is flexible.


I don’t k ow the answer to your question but in my experience I don’t think about when I’m eating Friday and Saturday night. When it comes to Sunday I eat later and stop earlier so I am ready to get back on track Monday. I don’t go too too crazy at all but if I want a cookie…ima eat a damn cookie, even if it is 10p 😆

And I’m losing weight still. Now I notice though it’s more steady and less dramatic thaN the first month. For me, I need that little bit of time off.


Yes, your body will adapt to any consistent schedule you give it. Even though this sub has a tendency to reeeee out, imho what you eat is way, way, more important than when.

But the charm of IF is that you can eat basically whatever and still get progress - I get that


> My average fasting time daily is 22 hours and I’m wondering will my body eventually say: this is fine and I won’t see any progress?

What are your goals? If it’s strictly weight loss, then no, your body will only stop losing weight when calories in are more than calories out.

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