| | Water Fasting

Just completed my first 48hr water fast. Lost 5lb and ready to transition to OMAD

This Sub and the LIFE app really helped me push through as it was very difficult for me at the end. I felt faint and when I had a bit of diarrhea I knew it was time to call it. But even that motivated me to break my fast with a clean meal. I had tuna on Multi grain toast and am feeling great now.

I’d like to lose 5lbs more before the holidays. What are your thoughts on the LIFE app? Do you find it a useful tool? Is it worth it to pay for premium? I’m also considering doing one 48hr fast at the beginning of each week with OMAD between as I don’t think I would be able to stick to rolling 48s with my social life. Does anyone else mix up their methods like that?

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I hate being the one to tell you. Congrats on the 48hr fast. You’ve started something most people will never be able to do….but you didnt lose 5LB of fat from a 48hr fast. You lost 1-1.5LB and 3.5-4LB of water/poop weight which naturally comes back once you eat again and your glycogens stores rebuild and gut fills back up with poop. New fasters need to learn not to get excited my the massive scale drops in the first couple of days fasting but equally not get depressed when most of it comes straight back on. Its part of the process. That 1-1.5LB of fat lost stays gone unless you eat a calorie surplus. The rule of thumb with fasting is you divide your TDEE by 3500 (number of calories in a pound of fat) to get your expected fat loss per fasted day. In my case thats 2400kcals/3500=0.7LB per fasted day. Anything above that calculation is either water/poop weight or explained by exercising and burning more calories than your normal TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure = Basal/Resting Metabolic Rate + Average Daily Energy burn from activity) An online TDEE calc can work out your TDEE for you if you are honest with the data you put in)

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