Hello, i’m brazilian, cassava is native here. There’s 3 important varieties: “mandioca-braba” or “mandioca-do-mato” (extremely toxic, unsafe even cooked), “mandioca” (safe when roasted into flour, but not when cooked) and “mandioca mansa”, “mandioca doce” or “aipim” (safe when cooked and even raw).Commonly only the “aipim” is selled for the public.Names can have regional variations but every place recognize the 3 varieties.
Fun fact: Cherry pits contain varying amounts of amygdalin, which your body converts into cyanide. However, cyanide is only formed when the cherry pit is bruised or chewed. Swallowing a small number of whole cherry pits is generally safe, but they pose a choking hazard and may obstruct the colon in sufficient amounts.
Mãní takes its name from an ancient Tupi Indian legend which tells the story of Mãní, a beautiful princess deep in the Amazon rain forest whose skin was as white as the moon and eyes as dark as the night. The white root of the Manioc plant bears her name.Manioca in Tupi Guarany means ‘House of Mãní’.The daughter of a Brazilian Indian chief gave birth to a girl whose skin was as pure white as the moon. She was admired for her beauty as well as the peace and serenity she somehow magically shared but unfortunately, the baby Princess passed away very young and was buried in her fathers “oca” (tupy guarani for house or tent). The tribe mourned her death and watered her grave every day, and one day a remarkable plant grew. When they peeled it had the white skin tone of the baby Princess, and when they cooked it they found it tasted delicious and even renewed their strength. The plant became their main source of nourishment. And Mání was forever cherished.
Or maybe it’s because these people eat animal products and those high cyanides mixed with hormones and more justifications mixed that comes from animal products is deadly and it’s not actually the cassava but what is already in our bodies. We have studies showing it’s not healthy with what the main stream already has in our bodies which is animal products but we don’t have studies showing it is either healthy or harmful from people already on high plant based diets.