| | Water Fasting

Life Changing

For the first time ever Im interested in a career path. I want to be a Doctor. I’m willing to go through the years, because I Am motivated. Never felt this way before on any other fasts.

The effect on the mind is the most profound, I have Gained a massive boost in sensory abilities. Smells, sounds, feelings, and even vision is clearer. This is because my mind is clearer. I’m detaching from an addiction, I think I’m detaching from ALL of them.

The amount of control I have now over my life is immense and I will never let it go.

Anyway, that was a little melodramatic…

Weight: 261 - - - > 248 Height: About 6ft. Male.. Not very strong, haven’t worked out in years. (until recently) Im on day 4, lost about 12 pounds so far. I’m planning to go 30 days in which I would then proceed to a brand new diet. The thing Is, I’m not sure what kind of diet in particular to adopt. I’m interested in Mostly staying in keto afterwards, until I can recover and rebuild metabolism. After that I may want to lose more through healthy diet and exercise or if I’m happy with myself I would be Wanting to focus on gaining muscle. I could probably just do both right?

I guess the real question is, from the point where I break the fast, to the point where I am strong and stable what kind of Diet specifically would be great for doing this?

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Hi! I am on my first day, but it’s taken me a long time and a lot of reading to mentally prepare myself to water fast. In these past few months of gaining this courage, I did a lot of reading regarding diets, and have found some amazing people. I would suggest looking at Tim Ferriss and his “4-hour body” slow-carb diet, as well as Gary Taubes low-carb diet from his book “Why we get fat”, and also to look at Mark Sisson’s “The Primal Blueprint” which advocates for a paleo-inspired diet. As far as keto goes, I would defintely check out the book “KetoClarity” by Jimmy Moore. I think that if you do some research and really know what your goals are that one of these routes may appeal to you with some personal modification. I’m glad that you’re having such an amazing experience fasting. Thanks for the motivation! Best of luck.


I’d say create your own diet by choosing what you like best from all the different schools of thought. If you can’t live without something then maybe you should keep it. These names direct one’s attention to where you need to look. However some people at least used to use them to label the hell out of things.

Anyway the main thing that works in fasting is lowering insulin so if you focus your diet and lifestyle towards insulin sensitivity I think that would be a good start. There’s a lot of things that can help that.

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Categories: keto recover healthy diet muscle water fast courage