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Light breakfast, nothing from 12-8pm and then a dinner after that? Is this right?

Does this work? Thanks!

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I’m no expert so not sure how well this would or wouldn’t work but generally it’s done the other way around - no food until 12pm, the eat you meals between 12-8pm and no more food until the next day at 12.


From what I read, that’s really not ideal at all.

You’d be better off not eating anything 3+ hours before bed and you’re not really getting any hormonal benefits of an 8 hour fast after eating breakfast.

A reasonable dinner at 6pm and then nothing other than water/plain tea until bedtime and then a light breakfast around 8:00am (or ideally 10:00am) would actually start burning fat.

Now, if you are just looking to reduce your calorie intake and aren’t looking for the fat burning benefits of fasting, this might work for you.

Edit: look into apps like Fastic that will educate and give you guidance on what’s happening to your body at you fast.


Sounds like you want to do 16/8 fasting. This means not eating from 8pm untill 12pm the next day. So your current method is not intermittent fasting at all.

If you want try something extra, do 18/6. This means not eating from 6pm to 12pm the next day.

Good luck.


Keep in mind that it’s not just about eating. When you are fasting you can only drink water, plain tea, or black coffee.

If you wake up and have a cup of juice, you’ve ended your fast, regardless of whether or not you eat.

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