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Milk in coffee?

Is putting a little 2% milk in my 2 cups of coffee really setting me back? I can easily go 20 hours with out food but like my coffee

Current weight 180 lbs goal 165 lbs

Moderate exercise

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It’s not really fasting – I opted for 200mg caffeine pills off Amazon and just drink water sometimes water w/ lemon juice. At about a week now and feeling invigorated.. Not sure if it’s because I’m more hydrated but I was drinking 4-5 cups of coffee a day before the switch (coffee is a diuretic).


Jennifer Anniston has practiced a form of intermittent fasting (16:8), since at least 2019, but it’s “dirty” since she drinks celery juice upon waking and then coffee a couple hours later (she never states if her coffee includes milk or cream. LOOK AT HER BODY in the recent Allure article: https://www.allure.com/story/jennifer-aniston-december-2022-cover-interview

She did not get that body from working out. It’s 99% diet. The <50 calories she’s consuming in the morning clearly is not setting her back.

Or, consider her ex husband Justin Theroux’s routine: he fasts for 12 hours from 7pm-7am. LOOK AT HIM SHIRTLESS https://www.pajiba.com/celebrities_are_better_than_you/its-weird-that-justin-theroux-takes-his-shirt-off-on-flights-right-.php

In fairness, Justin is crushing it in the gym constantly, but the point here is that the benefits of IF are self-evident and it’s okay to customize it so long as you are still meeting your goals.

At 39, I’m following Anniston’s lead: I’ve been drinking a 15 calorie celery “shake” made with celery powder upon waking, and then a cup of coffee with light almond milk (another 15 calories) a few hours later. This works for me. Do what works for you!


There is some simple carbs (sugars) in milk. This could reduce the increased insulin sensitivity that you would usually expirence from fasting. But if you are just fasting to make eating less easier and are fine with your insulin sensitivity rising more slowly than with strict fasting then its not really going to effect much


I would recommend half and half. More fats, less carbs than milk. Tastes better than milk, and you don’t need as much. It’s dirty fasting, but it’s still not that much if you portion it.

Also would recommend some days just going black. Pinch of salt helps the bitterness if that’s an issue. Good coffee and a good brewing setup (I’m fond of the aeropress) helps too.


Will bread you fastBut you can do other diet like 1200 calories or 1500 calories dependingof your sex and weight

Maybe omad (one meal a day) OrTwomad(Tow meal a day your milk with your coffee and the lateral your mainmeal)

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