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Need help with IF

Work a night shift position that is 12 hours on and 12 hours off, 4 days a week. Any recommendations for how to work IF into this schedule? Work starts at 8pm. Get off at 8am and try to sleep as best i can until 3-4pm. How do build a schedule for this, that I can carry into my off days where i go back to normal life for 4 days (and then move back to my work schedule?

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Optimally, you would keep the same feeding window all 7 days. However, with a 4-day work schedule of night shifts, this might prove difficult. A friend of mine varies her window a couple of times per week so she can eat with her husband, but her variation isn’t as dramatic as what you might require.

One possibility is either OMAD, which you could do every day at ~6:00 PM. Another option is 20:4 every day.

You might consider doing OMAD or 20:4 on work days and 16:8 on off days. If you do that, and you keep a regular schedule on those days, you could eat from 11:00 AM to 7:00 PM, which would overlap that feeding window on work days.

Good luck!


I work the exact same shifts as you, and I plan my first meal for 2pm, and my second meal by 8pm .. this is the best I can do to remain as close to my work schedule as well as still being suitable for my days off

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