| | Water Fasting

New and confused

So I’ve had a pretty bad relationship with food for a few months now, and I really want to try proper fasts so that I’m not constantly thinking and stressing about food. It’s always on my mind. I’m also hoping to get to a healthier weight, or ideally to start losing and stop maintaining.

Some stats about me (F 18) 5’1 about 120 lbs. I know that that’s in the “healthy” BMI, but I feel like my body still looks rather overweight and I want to get my body to a place at which i feel comfortable in it.

I’ve found that when I go awhile without substance, I get very weak and fatigued. That’s always what’s stopped me before when I’ve attempted proper fasts. I’d like to do a water fast by the way, or maybe something that can allow me to drink 0 calorie beverages, such as black coffee. I want to avoid the tired feeling.

I know that the first 3 days are always considered the hardest, but after that, the body accepts the fast and begins to feel some clarity. I want this, I hear it’s a very helpful feeling.

Some advice would be amazing! I’m hoping to try a week fast, 7 days.

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Just a thought. If you’re at an “on paper” healthy weight, but still look overweight, your problem might be more of body composition. I obviously don’t know you or how you look, but it’s likely you would benefit more from building a little muscle rather than just lose weight. Building some muscle will help you lose fat anyway as muscle mass uses more energy.

Regarding fasting. Don’t just jump into a multiple day fast. Build up slow. Start with some 16 hour fasts, and then build up from there. And read up on electrolytes.

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Categories: stress overweight weak water fast coffee muscle lose weight energy 16 hour fast electrolytes