| | Water Fasting

New on the journey...

Hello all this is my first post here so for the record: 43/m, 6’1” SW 240, GW 185, CW 236.4.

I’ve only been fasting for a few days 16:8, but was counting calories for a monthish before I found IF.

Since I started fasting, I’ve lost about a pound per day. Is this normal? I feel like it should be slower but don’t really know.

I drink a lot of water and have weighed myself multiple times a day just to see if it’s fluctuating, but only seems to vary by 0.4 - 1 pound at most between wake up and bed time.

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Hi!! I was FLOORED when the scale showed literally a 10 lb difference within the first few DAYS of my IF journey… I hadn’t even changed what I was eating, just when. It’s amazing how much water retention/ inflammation I was causing myself by eating all throughout the days. My body was so happy to finally be able to function how it’s meant to. Good luck on your journey, you’ll rock it. 👍🏼


Please don’t weigh yourself multiple times daily, weigh once first thing in the morning after using the bathroom. Also it can be helpful to download an app to track your weights, just input your weight every morning and the app will start creating your average weight loss/gain. Then you can see trends and make adjustments if necessary. Keep up the good work.


It’s normal. You shed excess water trapped in your fat cells (or, some junk, like that, I’m dumb lol) which leads to dropping a lot of weight in the beginning. Also, I’m amazed you lose on 16/8. I have to fast at least 20 hrs to see any change on the scale. But I’m 4 years older and fatter (I’m only 5’8 and some change) and female.

I think also men have an advantage biologically with fasting. Also, make certain you’re getting enough electrolytes (sodium, potassium, magnesium) now because the water coming off of you might deplete your electrolytes and you might feel like shit.

Also, stop weighing so often, it will mess with your head.


>I drink a lot of water and have weighed myself multiple times a day just to see if it’s fluctuating, but only seems to vary by 0.4 - 1 pound at most between wake up and bed time.

Are you sure you’re eating and drinking enough? Cause we’re fairly close in size and I definitely fluctuate more than that throughout a day.

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Categories: calories morning bathroom weight loss to fast electrolytes sodium potassium magnesium shit