I’m a wimp and can’t drink salt water. I have sodium chloride tablets instead. They are 1 gram. In the wiki recommendations, it says 1-2g minimum of sodium should be consumed daily. Does that mean 1 tablet (1g) of sodium...
Sorry if this is a dumb question, I was wondering whether patting grease off from bacon with a paper towel reduces sodium? Or does that just reduce fat?
3500 mg sodium with minimal water intake over a day vs. 3500 mg sodium with high water intake over a day. High and minimal are arbitrary. Does anyone know of the RDA for sodium is also dependent upon water/potassium consumption?
Do any of you use this sweetener? I use it and i was just wondering whether or not this is unhealthy? Thanks!
Would it be Subway? Maybe some other sandwich place?
Because it's particles of water that i'm inhaling through nose/mouth, so i don't do it just in case, but if someone is sure about this i would really appreciate to know
For example, if a serving of food has 100mg of sodium, is that the same as weighing out 100mg of table salt or does the weight of the chlorine atom in each molecule need to be subtracted? Also, is kosher...
Hello Everyone, I wanted to see what people had to say over this idea. I have heard many people talk about the benefits of taking a spoonful of Sea/Himalayan salt before a workout. They mention the water retention and performance benefits...
So ive tried snake juice without sodium and tastes so much better than with it. Would not using reduce its benefits? and if so is it substantial?
Which in excess is worse when trying to lower body fat %, sugar/added sugar or sodium?
Hi all. I see many comments / posts when reading around about the sodium levels in canned food. Specifically they seem to be referring to the need to put sodium in canned beans(not baked beans) / vegetables, for firmness from...
The AHA recommends no more than 2300 mg of sodium per day, but I'm curious to know if that number should be lower if one is reducing calories. Also curious to know if recommendations for things like saturated fat or...
If a person consumes around 8,000-10,000 mg of potassium per day, how much sodium he can eat safely?
The average American consumes more sodium than is recommended. People with bipolar disorder that take lithium are advised that a low sodium diet is dangerous and are advised to regulate their sodium intake accordingly. With these two facts in mind,...
I can only find info about gradual long-term deficiency where a person consumes sodium but too little, and about conditions, treatments, or extreme perspiration/exercise that can cause serious sodium deficiency. But how long can a healthy adult not engaged in strenuous...
I've been fasting for a month now and it's been going great until the last couple days. I've been feeling really nauseous and just threw up a lot of water. I'm thinking at this point I'm just going to go...
I just can't do the baking soda so I have been mixing up one teaspoon of pink salt and one teaspoon of potassium in 2L and then supplementing magnesium by capsules. I drink the entire 2 liters daily. Not active...
Hi all, just wondering. Lots of posts I see online mention how canned vegetables / legumes like chickpeas or kidney beans contain high amounts of sodium. However, I'm in the UK and none of the cans I've ever purchased have...
I've been using table salt for sodium, CALM powder for magnesium citrate, and purchased NOW brand potassium chloride powder to have a source of potassium. However, I'm realizing that I'm getting chloride from the table salt AND the potassium chloride...
what are some tasty seasonings that y’all use in your cooking that have low or no sodium? i’m trying to use less and less salt when i cook but need some substitutes
Are there some forms of sodium that should be avoided and some that should be consumed? When will sodium hydrate you and when will it dehydrate you?
How much sodium do you consume? MyFitnessPal App tells me I should stay below 2.300mg but I found a study that shows people consuming 5.000mg have better heart healthy? What is your take on this?
Google is telling me healthy intake is maximally 2.3, whereas this sub recommends 3-6g?
Should sodium be considered a macronutrient? Why or why not?
It seems like every food with even a moderate amount of choline is loaded with either cholesterol, sodium, or something else that’s best not taken in excess. How is it possible to get the recommended daily intake of choline...
I am trying to lower my salt intake so I decided to google "low sodium fast food options" for when I occasionally do eat out with friends or have to grab a fast bite. What I found was that 99%...
We all know how important the electrolytes are during fasting, as well as the ratio between them. Eg Potassium to Sodium 2:1 ratio. Many drink water with salt and potassium. I just stumbled upon this NIH link and can't vouch for...
Theoretically, could you eat a higher sodium diet if the majority of your food intake is vegetables because of the sodium/higher potassium intake balance?
I like the 20:4 structure a lot but I started to feel unwell late last night and started to eat salt directly which made me feel better immediately. I was peeing so often I could not sleep and woke up for...
Those with kidney disease have to be very cautious with potassium, because for them, the potassium would not get eliminated from the body and could have fatal results. But for a healthy person, do they need to exercise caution with potassium...
I just came to the US and enjoyed my simple cooking style. Recently, I read an article about how US adults were consuming too much sodium and rushed to my food to check. Everything had sodium. My almond milk had...
Like most nutrition, we see a split of opinion of what's good and bad, enough and not enough. Salt is one of those, but it makes me wonder about tribal people and how much they consume.
What are the expected impacts to your health later in life from consuming too much sodium? And to what extent are those impacts mitigated by having healthy eating habits around the sodium intake and drinking lots of water daily? Edit: My...
Hey everyone, I'm wondering what the ideal intake of sodium is for someone trying to be healthy. Past couple years I've worked pretty hard on eating clean & other lifestyle changes, but something I've more recently realized is how...
Our bodies need salt. Salt was so in demand back in the day that people were paid their salaries in salt (hence where the term 'salaries' came from). Yes, part of this was to preserve food at the time but...
I started listening to Lifespan podcast on benefits of IF for wellness/longevity highly recommend it. I’m on day 4 of doing 20:4 intermittent fasting. I’d like to fast from 4-8pm so I can digest before 11pm bedtime. However, I coach beach...
I tried talking to a moderator on r/fasting and every question I asked was met with 'go read the wiki' or ''Im not debating this with you'. Quite a friendly gal that Gangrenous. Anyways. Do we really know how much...
What are some of your low sodium favorites? Snacks? Recipes? Seasoning combos? I love cooking so don’t be afraid to hit me complex or time consuming recipes or ideas! Of coarse I’ll take the simple too!
I’m trying to do research online, and I figured it wouldn’t hurt to ask here as well.
I'm about to start a prolonged fast (7-10 days) and I need electrolytes. I'm a bit confused on the fact that some contain sodium chloride (table salt), some contain sodium and some contain chloride. Doesn't sodium chloride, when exposed to...
what is the difference between the snake juice and the ringer serum used un hospistals?
Lo Salt is the best electrolyte supplement with no useless additives. Lo salt has all natural potassium chloride, sodium, and magnesium, all 0 calories which will not stop Autophagy. I think its the easiest way to start safe longterm water...
Where to buy Potassium in Australia for the snake juice? Alternatively what product can I buy to make the snake juice easily. Please link. Thanks,
Hi all, simple question, is it okay to drink regular water during my Spam and Pickle diet? Didn’t know if drinking regular water instead of snake juice, will flush all the electrolytes out my body that I’ve just eaten. Thanks!
I see recommendations for taking salt during a fast to replenish electrolytes and is the fast, but is there a healthier alternative?
I am trying to fast for 14 days I weigh 186 pounds. How much magnesium potassium and sodium do I need, and can I take it in pill form? I’m doing this to lose weight. Is there any other supplements...
I’ve been water fasting for almost a week and I don’t feel the need to eat but whenever I wake up my heartbeat seems very fast and powerful. Is this just a side effect or should I consider ending my...
Can I just use sugar free pediatlye? and perhaps cut out my magnesium tablet? I take 1/2 a tab of magnesium glycinate a day 200mg. 45%. A centrum multi v 15% calcium, 24% magnesium. I take ashwaganda daily with powdered...
I have some pretty bad gut issues and I have read it could help. I know it’s popular among fasters, but why?
Can anyone pinpoint to why? After 2-3 days I care little about food per se but anything seafood related and especially sardines, canned herring etc. makes me go crazy. Am I deficient (or become deficient) in something?
Hello I just started my water fast I don't have an end date in mind I'll keep fasting as long as I can My weight is 101.2kg and my goal is 70kg I'm going to use this electrolytes (in the pictures) Do you recommend something else? Should...
I need to know
Not sure which to purchase and I don’t think my salt water is cutting it. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Hey Fasting Community, I've (29M) been intermittent fasting 16:8 for several years now which has helped my type 1 diabetes quite a bit. My recent A1C is 6.0 but my doctor recently stated my blood pressure is elevated. Not quite high...
So I’m on day 2 and was wondering how you can avoid/lessen the headaches everyone talks about during day 3/4?
This was completely new information to me. Knowing that, should it be included in the electrolyte protocols? [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31082167/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31082167/)
Hey fellow and former fatties.. been a minute. I know this gets very redundant. If you could please help a fatty out tho. I'm attempting to fast to kick my addictions too at the moment so a little brain foggy....
As a vegan, I'm looking for sources of iodine. I've read a few comments on various threads suggesting that the iodine in iodised salt 'evaporates in just weeks after packing' and also some saying that you would have to eat...
The USDA in the dietary guidelines for Americans defines popcorn as a whole grain and corn as a starchy vegetable. I'm confused on why there is a difference, are they not the same part of the same plant, just with...
Going to do my first 2 or 3 day fast and just wanted to know! Thanks for the advice
Most of potassium rich foods that I can think of have carbs.
I have been doing keto and fasting for a while now but i have been dealing with some constipation of late. Is the salt water flush work and safe? I’ve always been scared of salt but I’m starting to think...
Any ideas why I'm having headaches after my first hard dry fast (48h)? It's now been over 48h since I broke the fast. I'm also less energetic and I have difficulties to fall a sleep.
I have started to use the sachets added to my water 3/4 litres a day just to get more water (normally only drink diet coke) and just eating meat. Anyone else do this? I just feel the juice adds flavour...
I saw an ad for this drink supplement called LMNT where it claims to have nearly 1G of salt a day. Does anyone take this much sodium or drink this supplement.
Hi Fasters, I vomited a small amount of yellow bile this morning after having fasted all day yesterday. All I ingested yesterday was black coffee and approx. 400ml (13 fl oz) of water with [these fasting salts](https://smile.amazon.co.uk/Fasting-Salts-Magnesium-Electrolytes-Intermittent/dp/B07Z55FLJC/ref=sxts_rp_s1_0?crid=2RZ4STGDUZV0F&cv_ct_cx=fasting+salts&keywords=fasting+salts&pd_rd_i=B07Z55FLJC&pd_rd_r=19988ed4-dacd-4c3d-8611-ec528ca5b397&pd_rd_w=2aiPp&pd_rd_wg=m00bx&pf_rd_p=b72cf2b4-1324-4800-968f-62743f330157&pf_rd_r=XJY3EC2P51RKFM48ZVCG&psc=1&qid=1643896640&sprefix=monolaurin%2Caps%2C71&sr=1-1-1890b328-3a40-4864-baa0-a8eddba1bf6a) added. EDIT: I also had...
So I do a keto diet and generally eat around 4-5g of sodium per day which works out pretty well. Day 1 of fasting I had way too little sodium during most of the day and had more later and during...
Can’t seem to find this answer anywhere on the net. If I wanted to drink electrolytes, while fasting… but I need to keep the water hot (sick, bad throat)… would I be destroying the minerals and electrolytes by adding boiled...
I often see online people say that less salt / sodium is healthier. For example, [this Reddit post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Health/comments/qxhfq6/reducing_sodium_and_increasing_potassium_may/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). However, I just watched [this YouTube video](https://youtu.be/amJ-ev8Ial8) claiming that less salt / sodium is actually significantly more harmful than the harms from...
This [Nutrition Made Simple video "The Best Salt According to Science"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_Fu-dwHA0M) says that it is. In the YouTube description box, there are a bunch of cited studies, but, honestly, I'm not 100% sure it's worth my time to read all...
I liquid fasted for two days and then the 3rd day before my personal training session I ate one egg spinach and some of those gardein chicken tenders and had a tbs of peanut butter. That was about 5pm. At...
What’s the best way to track my electrolyte usage? I don’t want to under-do my electrolytes but I also don’t want to over-do them! Help!
in terms of sodium levels and overall health, is it better to use things like salt, pepper, and garlic powder, or soy sauce, hot sauce, and fish sauce.
In my country is very hard to find salt substitutes like No-Salt or NuSalt. So I found this one that has 3 ingredients listed: * Potassium chloride * Tricalcium phosphate * Calcium silicate I'm wondering if someone knows if these ingredients...
Forgive me if i sound dumb but I already suffer from high blood pressure and i was wondering does [No Salt](https://www.walmart.com/ip/NoSalt-Original-Sodium-Free-Salt-Alternative-11-oz/37233033) raises blood pressure. I need my potassium!
I just finished my first 72-hour fast. I felt incredible the whole time and lost 2.5 kg (5.6 lbs) in just three days! But what really shocked me is the sheer volume of electrolytes you actually need to fast successfully. In...
I get the spam, it's convenient with good macros. Why Pickles? Depending on the brand, Pickles can have quite a few carbs in. as well as sugar in the juice Cole recommends drinking. Spam is also very salty, why we...
Hi fasters! I've been doing IF (20/4) for the last 2.5 years and it's been awesome. Lately I pushed myself from 20/4 to OMAD because I just love the feeling and wanted to loose the last kg pending in my...
Bunch of questions, would appreciate some insight: 1) Does the proportion of sodium to other stuff like magnesium/potassium/calcium/etc. matter? Is 86% sodium better/worse/the same as 99.8%? 2) If the package doesn't specify what else is in it besides sodium (e.g. 95% sodium,...
Day 3 - 5th or 6th headache? Today it is piercing! The meal I break my fast with is on average a 40% fat, 25% protein 35% carb split I get 8-9 hours of sleep & have always been drinking 2-4...
I have tried the YouTube chiropractors brand for electrolytes. And while I believe the nutrients are good The taste is terrible, either tastes like something well...terrible or children's medicine. I went to Walmart and my local grocery store and saw...