| | Water Fasting

On day 9 of a planned 14-22 day fast. Need some motivation.

Please everyone, share your stories on incredible healing and experiences on fasts of 10-30 days. I fast for health/autophagy and am fairly experience (30-40 3+ day fasts). My longest fast is 11 days.

My regular weight is 180, I got to 192 prior by chugging 8 litres of coconut milk over the weekend. Today I am at 172. I am 5’9, muscular and lean and am probably about 10-15% body fat regularly.

My last fast of 11 days I consumed plain green tea throughout the day. This time, I am consuming just salt, magnesium, filtered water and melatonin. It might have something to do with my weight, but I think the caffeine burns too many calories. Last time my legs were giving out at 7 days and this time my legs have not yet. Might be something to play with for people who consume coffee and tea.

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Dude. You’re a mere few days away from your goal. Just a few days away from being that version of yourself that you want to be. You’ve got this. Just imagine how much better this upcoming weekend will feel if you at least make it to then.


If you weren’t taking any salts the last time you fasted and your legs were giving out, then it was 100% because of that. You need to keep your salt intake up during long fasts or it can be very dangerous for you. Lightheadedness and nausea are definitely possible symptoms and weak legs is absolutely another.


Thanks for sharing this, it was very motivational for me. I’m in hour 42 of a ?? long fast. I did a lot of eating last week and was planning on going as long as I could prior to the Christmas season this year. Reading that you’re on a 14+ day fast (with less fat to give than I have) is exactly what I needed to hear. Thanks and good luck!


Nothing but cravings but you can make it. Com on les go keep going keep pushing you can do it. You’re better than me com on les go. Keep moving forward keep punching that big bag under you’re nose. Try harder yeaaaah babe let that fat burrrrrrrnnnn.🔥🔥🔥🔥

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Categories: 2 day fast longest fast body fat tea magnesium calories coffee weak