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Optimal Absorption Of Vitamins / Supplements?

Hey wonderful peeps.

My brother told me that the body can’t really absorb vitamins or supplements while fasting - his reasoning was that the pills doesn’t have anything to bind itself to in the stomach, and that it will therefore just be lost through your pee. but searching online, a lot of websites suggest that it’s completely fine to take supplements / vitamins while fasting (except those that need to be taken with food or others that will technically break your fast). i couldn’t find anything on the web about not being able to absorb pills while fasting - is there any truth to it at all?

If so, how should i take my pills while fasting, to make sure that they’re well absorbed in my system?

Thanks! :)

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This GREATLY depends on the supplement. Some (RLA and NAC come to mind) are actually best absorbed on an empty stomach. Some better with food or certain types of food (for instance, CoQ10 is best absorbed with some fat.) And some are unaffected. So, specifics matter here — which supplements are you taking?

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