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Really bad reaction to fasting

Last week I started doing consistent OMAD. Previous to this, I’ve done 3-8 day fasts before so I’m familiar to fasting. This time was different, I started getting sick in the middle of the week. It started out with a sore throat (acid in my throat), then flu like symptoms but by Friday I was even nauseous and had stabbing stomach pain. I had bloodwork done and everything looked fine. I still get stabbing stomach pain in my stomach and acid in my throat if I try and go 12 hours without food… I really hope this is just temporary because I was mentally prepared when I started OMAD.

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You might want to have a GI doctor scope you to make sure there isn’t something treatable going on in there. You may have reflux and/or an ulcer. Chronic reflux can cause Barrett’s esophagus which can lead to cancer, so it’s worth checking out.


I get these stomach issues from drinking too much coffee (even decaf) to kill time while fasting.

Congestion and sore throat are caused by dairy for me but I am sensitive to it and super lactose intolerant. You can try eliminating that for a couple of days and see if it helps.

Might just be a virus though and go away on its own. Good luck, op.


Not that there’s anything wrong with fasting, but I am of the belief that not every diet is compatible with or appropriate for every body.

It might be worth reassessing why you want to be fasting in the first place. Are there are other methods that will be more effective for your goals and body? Or is this just a speed bump? Fighting your body is never the best path to success. Maybe that’s the case here, maybe not. But might be worth looking into other options to get you where you want to be.

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Categories: to fast omad sick stomach pain coffee