| | Water Fasting

Road to lose 42 pounds by September 30th

Stats: Height; 5’7 weight; 207.4 lbs Age:35 Waist; 46.8” hips; 42.6”

Goal: 165 pounds Waist: 36.5> Hips: 37<

I am an experienced faster who has used fasting for damage control, yes i did lose 50 pounds with fasting but regained 35now as per poor eating habits, sadly i have used fasting as an excuse to binge , this is the fattest that i’ve been in 2 years and definitely do not want to be in the 200’s again.

I noticed that my best results were by doing eod fasting b2b 48’s.

the plan

Rolling 72 until reaching 185, on low carb refeed.

Then eod feeding (36-48) 2-3 times a week/ until i reach 175.

At that point i will call Cole again to help me remove the last 10 pounds.

I do track my food with scale so will keep macros below 2000 cals , may bump the carbs after but right now i would like to get to a fasted ( 36h ) 165 .

Other health goals; •Reduce coffee intake (drink 10-18 oz daily) goal-> 8oz some days and none. •sleep 8h plus daily •Deadlift 315 pounds ( while weighing 165) •Mantain activity ( 10,000 steps minimum ,30 mins of ( streching, punching bag, running, jumprope or weights),

Will post pics every 15 days .

Feel free to tip on any of the goals :).

Stop Fasting Alone.

Get a private coach and accountability partner for daily check-in's and to help you reach your fasting goals. Any kind of fasting protocol is supported.

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I hired a carnivore coach to help me with my eating. And this coach is fasting friendly, so hoping for a good protocol with my unique health issues.

Edit to say: I am rooting for you! I want to join in on posting my progress too! I want to cut caffeine, as I get anxious with it. Sleeping well makes a huge difference.

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