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rolling 72’s or OMAD?

I have about 92lbs to lose. I’ve been doing OMAD and I’m down 8lbs so far, I like this routine and I see it being sustainable even after reaching my goal weight. I’ve been reading a lot about rolling 72’s and I’m tempted to try it out because of the quick results but I also think it poses a risk to my metabolism. Correct me if I’m wrong. I’ve previously lost a lot of weight and gained most of it back because I didn’t pay attention to the long term so I need to keep that in mind. What would you recommend? I’m a 20 year old female, 250lbs, 167cm. And I’m just curious to know how much will I lose approximately in 6 months doing rolling 72’s?


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I don’t have much evidence to back this up, but I think longer fasts are less likely to affect your metabolism than short daily fasts for weight loss.

With longer fasts, you get an increase in growth hormone and norepinephrine, which helps to maintain or even increase your metabolic rate. This study showed that a 3 day fast increased resting energy expenditure. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10837292/

OMAD is better than eating all day long in terms of lowering your insulin, but depending on how much and what you eat, it is possible to still spend most of the day burning off the food and glycogen in your body and not really get to a significantly fasted state. To lose weight on OMAD, most people have to be eating less. So really OMAD is closer to a calorie restriction diet than true fasting. And calorie restriction diets (the old cico) are likely to slow down your metabolism. https://blog.thefastingmethod.com/fix-broken-metabolism/

If you do rolling 72s, you could potentially lose around 10 pounds per month, but it would probably slow down the closer you get to your goal. If I were you, I would do longer fasts to lose the weight (doesn’t have to be rolling or always the same length of fast) and use OMAD or 16:8 or whatever to maintain afterwards. A bonus is less loose skin with extended fasting.

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