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Rolling fasters - what is your eating window like?

When you are doing a sequence of 48-96-ish hour rolling fasts, how long do you general feed in between? Do you do a massive meal and then keep fasting (OMAD style), do you aim for a 24 hour window of feeding? Or just whatever feels good?

The charts people post here showing results of their rolling fasts are quite inspirational, but I am curious what the feed windows look like. I am documenting that in my google sheet for reference this time.

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I fast from sunday dinner to friday lunch.

On friday lunch I’ll eat a small lunch followed by a bigger dinner.

Saturday I eat pretty much what I want. I keep meaning to stay keto but social events have prevented that from happening and that’s a sacrifice I”m not willing to make.

Sunday I do omad and try to stay low on carbs to ease the transition back.


I’ve been doing 24,36,48 and the occasional 72 since mid June. I do the shortest eating window possible, which is typically 1 hour (sometimes shorter). I’ll do 4 hour eating windows to account for alcohol on days I’m drinking. I don’t restrict my eating during the short windows, but I typically try to eat a large portion of protean and some oats. I usually will have some kind of treat with it as well (candy/ice cream). 35m 6’2” I’m down from 216 to sub 185 (not sure exact weight right now.) I’ve had to put 2 new beltloops in, and my abs are starting to come out in force, moobs are dwindling, but still need work.


A bit of a different perspective as someone who’s chronically ill but I take all the time I need. Sometimes that’s weeks. Sometimes that’s just a few hundred calories worth of food and I’m right back in. If my body says “go”, I’m in

Listen to your body. It’ll tell you if you’re good to start again. If I had the privilege of choice in the matter, I love the feeling of an extended fast, a day of snacking on keto style foods, then a couple days with restricted eating window (21:3), then back into the fast. It checks a LOT of personal boxes. Being ill, I rarely get to do this but it IS my favorite approach and when it feels right to do it, I’m GLOWING! going into my next fast


> Do you do a massive meal and then keep fasting (OMAD style)

This, but I don’t eat a massive meal. Just a regular sized meal. If for some reason I’m not satisfied at the end of the meal, I would get a second helping, but that hasn’t really happened.

I don’t really have a window or goal, but it usually takes less than 20 minutes.

> do you aim for a 24 hour window of feeding?

I’m not the fasting police, but I don’t think a 24 hour window of feeding is what I would consider rolling fasts. That’s more like ADF, or just general fasting, repeatedly. Rolling fasts are – fast for X period of time, eat a meal, immediately start fasting again.


Depends on the day. Sometimes I’ll stuff my face for the whole day, other times I’ll go from a 72, drink a huel (400cals) then back on a 72.

I don’t have any routine, just as long as I’m fasting more days than my eating days, the weight comes off. It’s magic


I eat 2-3 days a week, basically ADF. On days where I eat I try to wait as long as possible to eat, at least until lunch or late afternoon, and maybe once a week I’ll just eat all day. I’m not strict about keeping track of exact fasting or feeding times but I’m basically doing a couple of 30-40 hour fasts and another 60-70 hour fast per week.

On weeks where I just can’t seem to hack it, I’ll just do OMAD on days where I planned to fast, and have a healthy dinner, grain bowl or something and that’s it (I figure if I’m eating light and very clean on days where I had planned to fast but ended up not, it’s not so big a deal in the end).


I haven’t been doing this super long but so far I seem to have the best success doing 48hr fast, 1 big meal like an hour or 2, and back to fasting again.

I don’t eat particularly healthy so for me a bigger window just leads to too much bad food and also the larger gap makes it hard to get back on track.


Typically I fast from Sunday at 6:00 pm until Thursday at 10 am. So that’s about a 90 hr weekly fast. Thursday generally eat very small meals full of protein and veggies. Friday and Saturday eat whatever I want but follow 16 -8 intermittent fasting. Sunday prepare for fasting (focusing on protein and veggies).

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