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Skip breakfast or dinner?

Do you find it easier to skip breakfast or dinner?

It seems like most people skip breakfast.

But I was wondering if dinner may be easier to skip as then the last part of the fast (which I assume is the hardest) you are asleep.

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I skip breakfast. It’s easier for me to just get busy and wait to eat, knowing that I will have a satisfying meal soon. Skipping dinner is harder for me because all of my day’s activity makes me feel hungry when I finally wind down, with no dinner I will be trying to sleep with a hungry tummy.


I prefer skipping dinner since I workout earlier in the day . I workout , eat around 9:30 and am done eating by 3:30. It’s not that bad really . I stay up late and it doesn’t seem to matter as far as hunger goes . Drink a lot of water . It helps


Skipping dinner is emotionally harder for me because I’m so used to coming home after a long work shift to eat. Physically though I’m no more hungry or tired or anything. Just have to do a little more work to distract myself from not eating when the evening window has closed


Dinner is supposed to be better to skip so that your last meal is more digested before going to bed. But dinner is family/social/unwind time. So it’s the main meal is the day.

Breakfast is just way easier to skip. A glass is water and a cup of good coffee and I’m good for the morning.


Are you talking about where it’s best to have your eating window? My window is late afternoon, so I guess you’d say I skip breakfast. And lunch.

With an eating wind of 2 PM to 6 PM, I eat a dinner meal around 5:30, give or take. As far as when I’m hungriest, it’s right before bed and right before my eating window. I’m very seldom hungry in the morning hours after I wake up, even if I was feeling hungry before bed.


Try skipping one of them in different days and see what works better for you. I personally think breakfast is easier, but I skip dinner because:

  1. I’ll spend the hardest part of the fast window sleeping.
  2. I have read in this same subreddit fasting at the end of the day has better results than fasting in the morning.
  3. I have found skipping dinner allows me to repurpose some of the time for myself. I particularly love to have a hot shower at this time, it’s like a small self-care present I give to myself.
  4. My breakfast is delicious and Im too addicted to it to drop it (1 poached egg, 1/2 avocado mixed with shreded tomato on top of 2 wasa slices).


i was always skipping breakfast. it was easy. now that ive been going over a year and a half im switching to eating mid day. its hard right now cause i cook for the kids and night is when i want to snack, but i think it will curb my bad habits and i fuel better vs eat a little to snack which is what i did at night.


Breakfast is definitely easier for me. I have a big thermos of black tea and some water. I am usually busy enough in the mornings that by the time I finish my tea it’s about 11:30 or so and time to think about what I want for lunch at noon. I think it depends on your lifestyle. I workout after dinner and if I did so on an empty stomach I would probably just lay on a yoga mat. If you are an early riser or workout early in the morning you might have an easier time skipping dinner.


For me its always easier to skip dinner rather than breakfast, BUT—dinner is the only meal I get to share with my family due to busy work schedules and school. I don’t want my 4yo to grow up seeing mom not eating, knowing how easy it is to influence children’s relationship to food, even for the sake of IF and reversing my IR. So now and in the past, I’ve made sure to just restrict my eating window from 11am-5pm. That means I get to enjoy quality family time. In the past it’s taken a while to get used to waiting in the AM, but this time around it’s a little easier.


I skip dinner. I had some issues with reflux in the past so not eating in the evenings helps me with that. I’m not going to lie though sometimes it’s hard. I get really hungry around 9 pm often. I typically stop eating around 3pm.

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