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So confused: toothpaste, etc

I’ve seen so many people dismissed for asking questions about things like toothpaste. The responses always feel like they’re picking on the person asking because it’s such a small detail.

But, I’m baffled by this! Isn’t the whole point of IF to achieve autophagy? And if toothpaste or any other small thing like that breaks the fast….why in the world wouldn’t people ask? Why are we doing this? To not actually be in autophagy? And that’s somehow ok because we’re sweating details?

I’m genuinely not getting it. You either stay in autophagy and don’t break a fast or you do. If toothpaste (or anything else like that) breaks a fast, why undo all the hard work when there might be great advice for alternatives.

I can’t find one answer about toothpaste other than: yeah, it probably breaks the fast but who cares?

I care! I’m working hard to follow this. The details matter!

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> Isn’t the whole point of IF to achieve autophagy?

No? For me, and I’d guess for most people here, the point of IF is to spend more time with lowered circulating insulin levels, to increase insulin sensitivity and lose fat. Autophagy is not the goal.

Also, autophagy has never actually been measured in humans. We actually have no idea whether toothpaste (or anything else) stops autophagy or not. It’s all guesswork at this point.

As for “sweet taste” and insulin — The available data on cephalic insulin response show mainly that it varies massively person-to-person whether a cephalic response even happens at all, much less how big it is or how long it lasts. And if a cephalic insulin response occurs, it’s unknown what kind of biological effect it has, if any — the available data don’t indicate much in the way of biological effects.


I did a lot of research before I started my first 5 day fast. I timed it so that my husband would be gone so that I wouldn’t have to deal will meals be cooked. I knew what to expect and felt I was prepared. As he left, he kissed me and told me to fast slowly.

On day 3 when the hypoglycemia became scary, I broke my fast with a nutritious snack. It helped. I restarted the fast and finished the 5 days with one break and lost a total of 7lbs.

My second fast was planned for 108 hours. I broke the fast at 99 hours after a wave of nausea hit so hard I felt I was going to throw-up while laying down. I had lost another 7 lbs.

We are all on our own journey. We should strive for progress not perfection. My best advice is to fast slowly by placing your physical and mental health above the hours fasted or the lbs lost.

Take care of you.


The purpose of IF is to not eat for X hours of the day. Autophagy doesn’t play a role in IF.

Now if it’s important to you, then, yes, decide if it fits in with your goals.

And even if toothpaste breaks your autophagy please, just brush your teeth. Even if it’s right after your last meal and before your first.

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Categories: a fast 5 day fast to fast snack