| | Water Fasting

Stuck at the same weight for 4 days!

Eating in a 20:4 window and making healthy meals and getting in my water. Frustrated but still pumped and I know this too shall pass! Have cut down my booze intake by about 90% so I am very happy about that…… since alot of my calories were coming from too much Chardonnay every night. I feel clearer and more present & focused! Hang in there everyone. I hope to post some better results next week. Trying to stay off the scale and focus on how I feel and what I am putting into my mouth!

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Having a weight “plateau” is a very common thing to see during your weight loss journey. In my case I always tend to hit a wall every 5 or so pounds. I would stay at that weight for a week or two and then gradually start losing weight again. I did this constantly while losing around 40 lbs total over six months. Consistency is the key and you have to trust the process. Also I have a keto meter and even though my weight wasn’t changing I could see I was always in a state of ketosis and therefore burning fat. It really helped me to overcome the frustration at the scale lol.

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