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There are 68 days until the new year…

I discovered this and it was a great motivator.

Do I want to start 2023 the same way I did 2022? Tired, overweight, unhealthy and missing out on parts of my life due to issues with my body?

No I do not!

What about you?

I started a 12-day fast yesterday and am keeping my eye on the prize. We got this- Let’s go!

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Hello, I will be with you some of the way. I started a 5-days fast yesterday and plan to break it on Saturday morning. I will eat 1000-1200calories Saturday and Sunday.

After that and for the 60days remaining this year, my plan is : fasting Monday-Thursday morning ( around 84+ hours) then 1000-1200calories a day Friday - Sunday. Some might think that 1200 is low, but it’s a lot if you fast 20h on eating days.

What is your plan for after the 12 days fast? And have you fasted that long before?

Edit for punctuations.


I started my fast yesterday, going to try to go a week. I’ve fasted for 2 weeks straight before but that was quite a while ago. I have 36 days until a vacation I’m going on and would like to see how many of those days I can fast for. Hopefully I can keep it up during December and start 2023 feeling like a new me.

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