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Transition from Wet to Soft Dry

Hi all, I know it has been share many times here with regards to this topic. I had went through all but couldn’t find one specific to my situation. The one extracted from the Russian Dr were mainly focused on those that were previously on extended water fast.

In my case, I’m currently on day 7 as I’m typing. would like to transit to dry fasting tml. May I seek some advice here. I’m falling behind my weight loss schedule. I need to shed another 8kg in 8days for a critical weigh-in hence the decision.

Understand body condition and body type differs. However anyone went through transition of 7 days wet to 3 days dry? Or able to share some insights? Thanks!

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So yes you’re right it is advised that you don’t go from a water fast to a dry fast, because this is extremely stressful for the body. Water fast to a dry fast is the better way of combining fasts.

It isn’t clear why you think you have a specific issue that hasn’t been addressed. I’m not sure what that is, do you mean that you want to lose another 8kg in 8 days for a “critical weigh in”? What do you mean by critical?

The way I see it, as you’ve successfully done a 7 day water fast and you want to carry on with some kind of fast, you should just continue with water fasting. Then once you’ve refed and are fully recovered, you should think about trying dry fasting.


8kg 8 days is tough

What are you weighing in for? if it’s fighting sports your brain takes long time to rehydrate and that might make it take injuries if dehydrated

You might look at HIIT training / tabata while fasting to get metabolism up and crazy - you can change your fat burning level to nearly double - from 1.2 to 1.9. Basically, your body can only get food from fat if you not eating, so if you do intense stuff like that it theoritcally multipliers up.

basically find a tabata timer and for 20 seconds do as many burpees as your can, and rest 10 seconds, 8 times. It should be incredibly hard, and thats the point. Every time try to get the most you can to make your metabolism go crazy.

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