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Triple checked my math, but I'm still wrong somehow

I’m a 5’7”, 27 year old female who weighs 192.5, and works 10-14 hour cooking shifts 5 days a week, split roughly as 1/2 standing prep under mild stress (no running or wicked fast cutting, but quick deliberate actions with fast walking), 1/3 moderate stress standing food preparation (less walking but fast, panicked actions), and 1/6th cleaning- scrubbing walls and surfaces, etc. I walk on average 10k-12k steps a day. I lift weights 3x a week, approximately for 25-35 minutes, and I walk to work approximately 3 times a week, a walk of 16-17 minutes. I religiously sleep at least 8 hours a night- most nights its closer to 9. My BMR shakes out to 1,639 calories per day, before I calculate in exercise and my work shifts. I am seriously struggling to calculate how many calories I actually burn in a day, and how many I should be eating.

I started loose-ish OMAD on May 19th, when I weighed 215 lbs. I do have to eat some food at work- I drink exactly 100 calories of sugar/creamed tea over the length of my shift (weighed, its how I’ve drank it since I was 15), and taste my food as I cook. Because of my struggles to reliably calculate how many calories I burn in a day, and because of my proximity to food I have to taste at work (at absolute most 200 calories a day, we’re talking less than half teaspoon amounts of clear broth that I check for salt content, etc) I put my initial eating calorie amount at 1000 a day without including my “tasting” calories. I had just started a new job in a new kitchen and was pretty much constantly pumping with adrenaline and having to run everywhere. I pretty much immediately lost 23 lbs, like I’m talking 3-4 lbs a week, partially because of the stress, but I assumed that once I got more settled into my job my weight loss would slow to like 2-2.5 a week, and that therefore my TDEE was probably around 1000 calories more than I was eating- around 2000-. Which is already like 400-600 calories less than any online trackers I can find //say// I should be burning.

And then, halfway through July, after 2 months, it just stopped. I really do carefully track what I eat, I make 99% of what I eat myself from scratch- and the stuff that I don’t is made following recipe books that I have access to, and by people that I trust to follow the recipes. I’ve done everything I can possibly do to trouble shoot what the heck is going on, including “being patient” and “sometimes you plateau” and “eat at maintenance (not fasting), (but based at like 1800 calories a day to reset and rest your metabolism) but I’ve been holding between 192-195 for the last 6 weeks and I feel like I’m going insane. Didn’t gain weight from the maintenance weeks (2), but didn’t lose either.

I don’t smoke. I have never smoked more than a pack of cigarettes split out basically over the whole length of college when my friends were being “artsy”. I don’t and have never used drugs of any kind. I literally weigh the amount of sugar and cream in my tea. I get kind of chocolate-cravey around my cycle, but I budget those calories in.

The only thing I can think of is that is that my diet essentially got //better// 2 months ago- I basically stopped drinking- I used to go out on monday nights and have like 4-6 beers during my eating window, and borderline binge- not insanely, I wasn’t pounding back bags of candy, but I’d eat 2-3 slices of pizza and like a bowl of ramen to the point where I could feel actually very full, and eat close to 2500-300 calories. I figured it was good for me, psychologically, to be able to kick back with my friends, and physiologically to be able to eat as much as I could and give my body a bit of a reset- but now I have 1-2 beers max over the whole week, and eating that much makes me feel kind of sick. My level of exercise hasn’t changed, my recipes haven’t changed, my sleep hasn’t changed, my work hasn’t changed other than to get mildly easier, and EVEN IF the issue is my job getting easier, I’m still eating at least 500 calories a day less than my body should use if I was in a coma- and I work a 60 hour a week job on my feet, walk everywhere, and lift weights.

I know that was a lot of information, but what the actual heck is going on? I need to lose more weight- I’m not trying to get down to like 120 but somewhere between 140-160 is where my “healthy” range is supposed to be and I’m still far, far away from that.

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Please look into Dr. Jason Fung. Hell explain why calorie restricted diets don’t work.

They tried extended calorie restricted diets on The Biggest Loser and almost all of them regained it and then some.

The popular mocking comments to overweight people always come down to “more calories out than in, duh, hur dur lolz knuk knuk!!”

Human bodies are cleverer than that. You’re geared for survival, not happiness.

You’re struggling because these kinds of diets don’t work for everyone (most people).

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