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What is a good alternative to avocado with similar macros but cheaper?

It is basically fat and fiber, which is like a heaven sent food. But it’s god awful expensive… short of mixing oil and a fiber supplement, what would people use as an alternative? I guess nuts would be pretty close to the same profile with some extra protein?

Am I missing anything obvious?

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Same struggle here. Nuts & avocados are awesome but so expensive.
I think its not necessary to replace one food with another. Why not replace avocados with multiple foods? veggies + olive oil(/eggs). Is fiber + fat. So is fatty fish with veggies. If you don’t mind carbs, sweet potatoes/oats with a fat source is also great.
I‘d love to see someone respond with a single food that contains fat + fiber but i doubt there is one thats not super pricey


I’m in 50s age, for longest time I didn’t eat much avacados because of the price

Few years ago I just said whatever and started eating 1 a day, 4-5 days a week. My overall self just feels better from head to toe, avacados are by far the purists best fat n fiber source on the planet

I figure I’m not boozing it up, not smoking whatever, not gambling not eating out much, no animals costing arm n leg in food vet bills, so I just buy the avacados

If ya got any of the above listed vices then yeah it can be a problem


I know right? Or you do spend the money and half of it is bad or has a gargantuan seed

100% peanut butter and cacao nibs with Himalayan Salt. I mix in chia seeds, black seeds, brazil nuts, walnuts … all sorts of good stuff :)

Super nutritious, but more importantly, palatable; as im more likely to eat it, I even look forward to it


Hear me out, edamame! My school is doing a huge study on it. One of the girls who works with it says she makes edamame toast and it is incredible. You can also include it in salads and it is delicious!


Nuts & avocados aren’t that expensive when you consider the cost per calorie. Cheaper than most meats.

Grains & avocado is a combo made in heaven. Bread or rice. Like rice & beans & avo, or simple sushi rolls (bowl if you’re lazy), or spread on whole grain toast, or potatoes. So many options.

It blows my mind how many people act as if nuts & avocado are cost prohibitive but don’t think twice about 90% of their bowl’s cost being meat.

Treat avocado like most people treat meat. Star of the show and worth the modest cost.

You know what’s actually super expensive? Leafy greens. Like $5 for 30 calories. But it’s so calorically empty that ends up being more like a supplement than food.

Calories are what make you feel full and satiated. Avocados are reasonably priced.


Yeah I came here just to say nuts! Fat and fibre are hard to get in one go I’ve found. Avocado beats nuts, in my opinion, because it makes you feel fuller for longer and it’s harder to binge on. Do you have an Arab or African food shop near you? They tend to have them so much cheaper and the quality is usually better too.


Pumpkin and sunflower are the most available and cheapest options out there. Among nuts the peanuts are the cheapest and highly recomend them since they are overly demonised. On my personal nuts tier list they hang around comfy somewher around 4-6th spot and are much better than people give them credit. One catch though: find them unsalted and unprocessed (sugar coating, fried, deep fried etc.).

Olives might be a decent proposition as well. But when it comes to fatty fruits/veggies those two are pretty much exemptions from genral trend.


Here store made guacamole is less expensive.However I’m a spoiled brat and never ask me to give them up. Same with nuts. My kids are the same with their pistachios.

Sometimes you just have to suck up the cost.


I honestly thought you meant expensive as in calorie density 😅 well anyway, maybe a nut butter would be the same benefit but cost less per serving. As in I could literally eat an entire avocado at once but I’m not gonna eat an entire jar of almond butter, at the same price.


Idk if you’ve tried the “slimcados” they are bigger and grown with 80% more water but taste exactly like avocados. They have 80-% less calories and less fat. I love them. And actually been finding them more tasty than regular avocados and they’re HUGE and cheaper


Idk if you’ve tried the “slimcados” they are bigger and grown with 80% more water but taste exactly like avocados. They have 80-% less calories and less fat. I love them. And actually been finding them more tasty than regular avocados and they’re HUGE and cheaper

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