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will i gain all the weight back after breaking my fast

im 2 days into my 5 days dry fast, will i gain all the weight back after breaking my fast and how do i keep it off ?

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I did a 4 day dry fast back around Easter this year and it was the best thing ever for me in terms of body fat. As far as scale goes, yes I did gain back “scale” weight once i broke it but my waistline stayed ”snatched” (I hate that word lmao but idk what else to use)

SO - yea. You’ll gain some water weight back but don’t let that deter you.


You gain at least half of it back because of water weight. Your diet and the refeed dictates whether you will gain it all back or keep it off. Make sure that you don’t rush into eating, and stay away from processed foods - that will pack it all back on


No you will not gain any fat back unless you stick to previous eating habits. The water weight gain is nominal and doesn’t matter in the long run. Best way to lose fat in general and fast is to dryfast and get your steps in as its aerobic will help you lose fat faster.


The fat could be redistributed from ‘snatched, weight to scale weight as you say. Eg visceral fat or in ternary organ on waistline could be mobilised differently. Then there’s attitude change to foods as I’m way less interested in carbs after a dry fast than after a water fast, where I’m ravenous. I focus on catabolic/anabolic cycling as I want to build up between fasts so I can go longer in the catabolic stage, but my goals are health oriented. I’m already skinny. There’s more details to dive into than simple weight on/weight off.


keto diet @ 2000 kcal a day or less will keep the fat off

<2% carb calories, 18-20% protein calories, 80% fat calories

Buying a scale that can track body fat % helps you see whats happening with body composition

I like the nokia health body+ wightings scale but any scale that measures BF% will do

Once body fat hits 10% you can revert back to a normal diet

Good luck!

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