| | Water Fasting

Wow, no one tells you about the sugar withdrawals going into fasting.

IF 16/8

Wow, this is rough. I went from an eat whatever the hell I want diet to clean and portioned overnight. I’m hoping to lose 35 pounds by mid April and change my health and lifestyle habits. I ate snacks, fast food and drank alcohol almost daily and at large portions. I’m not visibly “large” but I’m a good 35 pounds above my max BMI recommendation. Intense anxiety, lethargy, brain fog, moodiness, headaches and nausea just to name a few. I’m 3 days off the junk and this is hitting me hard. At the gym now getting my mind off of it and powering through, but I wish I read about this and mentally prepared. Just a rant. Thank you all.

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Yeah it’s brutal. Stay strong. I’m there right now. Some people find fat fasting very beneficial to ease into it. I personally don’t (not sure why) and prefer water/black coffee fast to kick start. The cravings seem to be the same regardless. Keep up the hydration and electrolytes. You got this


Hang in there! Do not stop! After four days off of sugar, it will get much much easier and you will begin to see the huge benefits of cutting sugar out of your diet. Believe it or not, it will fix most of your brain fog, much of your moodiness, and even some pains you didn’t realize you had until they’re gone.

Better yet, you will actually lose your craving for sugar. I know it’s hard to believe, and it’s a lot to expect, but it really will happen. You will be amazed.

You’re almost there. Don’t waste those three days, it’s within your reach!

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Categories: sugar to fast habits snack alcohol fat fast coffee electrolytes pain