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A fast right after a fast is way harder?

Seems like it makes sense because the glycogen stores are depleted, I did an about 20 DF until yesterday where I had an 8 hour eating window, with my last meal being pretty large, ate 4 boiled eggs, salmon, homemade pumpkin seed milkshake (good for zinc) and also had a pizza.


I think a big reason why this was fast way harder right now at 20 hours in is because I ate a pizza which is high in carbs and I knew that it might make it harder, but honestly seeing someone’s comment here saying how they sometimes start a dry fast with a pizza and a beer and I got inspired to try something similar once lol. So I’m still not sure if it’s mostly the pizza causing this much difficulty or the recent previous fast.. I am not even hungry or thirsty.. It’s just like this itch for SOMETHING. Maybe craving for sugar but it’s not that intense, but rather really long duration. Maybe it’s just some spiritual cleaning lol, also I am at work and today has really not been busy and I am doing more work of talking on the phone instead, which is very annoying in this fasted state, I really don’t wanna deal with people’s shit haha.


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Good question. Sugar and carbs hit something different in the brain that just makes you want more. It’s neurological insanity experientially speaking… This is something that even if you have your glycogen stores empty BUT you didn’t have carbs recently, you will simply not crave nearly as much.

I know exactly what you mean, an ITCH for something. Usually makes me go masturbate, which I don’t recommend at all because you’ll end up in an even worse state and add restlessness to it.


Stay away from processed white flour and sugars. Just don’t. And you’re fasting? It’s not going to work…


One thing you should try is drinking electrolyte water. Snake juice if you heard of it. Although it doesn’t sound like it would work, but actually a lot of times I relived my sweet tooth just by drinking that. Also takes care of low blood pressure and other weakness related, fasting related symptoms.


I finished a 7 fast yesterday, ate lots of bacon, butter and onions… I ate (unfortunately about 10 oz. of bread. Then began a 3 day fast. Its not too bad. I won’t eat that much bread again, but it was artisanal French bread with lots of grains…

The first part of the first day was easy, but coming up on 24 hours I am getting hungry. I suspect that it is a desire for electrolytes and not necessarily food.

Reading these subreddit it seems that everyone can control calories on a fast, but the daily grind of living is much harder.

My 2 cents.


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Categories: a fast eating window boil carbs dry fast beer sugar tea shit blood pressure weak 3 day fast electrolytes calories