Are steamed vegetables the same nutritionally as boiled ones? Or is there any nutritional benefit of steaming over boiling since both use water essentially to cook it and don't require oil to cook them?
Chia Seeds contain omega-3, which is prone to oxidation. Will adding chia seeds to boiled water result in oxidation and a health hazard?
According to the USDA, boiling beans significantly reduces their calcium content. If true, why? Calcium is a metal which shouldn’t be destroyed by heat. Is there something else going on?
I'm curious because I just noticed a pressure cooker can cook pre soaked beans in just 5 minutes vs over an hour boiling.
What is the temperature threshold that promotes proficient results when extracting nutrients from bones? Might the direct contact between the pots' base and the bones cause nutrition loss? If so, how significant would it be?
So I’ve seen that boiled potatoes rate the highest on the satiety index. But boil save them for later and were to reheat them in a microwave does that mess how “satisfying” they will be. Not in taste only...
I can not find this information so I posted here to see if anyone knows.
If you made a coffee flavored protein drink with whey protein isolate, instant coffee, and approx. 90°c water would the heat have any negative effects on the protein?
i am curious. i know if you sauté veggies, they lose a lot of their nutritional value - but if you cook them in a crock pot (ie chicken noodle soup) do the vitamins from the carrots, celery, onions, etc.,...
Hey Guys, want to know how long and how to store boiled cabbage, cauliflower, soya chunks for maximum life ? ( Ideally looking for a week range for my meal prep )
What meals can I make if all I can do is boil water & use a toaster oven featuring an air fryer?
Do you think is a good idea to boil pumpkin seeds for a long time for better digestion?
I normally make clear soups by simmering. Because of the texture and a slightly different cleaner taste. There are special soups that require harder boil, so that fast and water make an emulsion, like tonkotsu. ​ Is it true that hard boil destroy most,...
I have a colonoscopy booked and can only drink clear fluids. But I sslow cooked a couple of lamb steaks because they were going out of date. I got aabout a pint of liquid from the slow cook....
I recently ordered an instant pot and I'm noticing that pressure cooking chicken literally dissolves all the cartilidge into the broth, whereas when I boil it the cartilidge stays intact and has to be thrown out. Also I notice pressure cooking...
Pretty much as asked in the title. I used to do IF a lot in the past and it helped me lose 20 kgs extremely quickly. Now i want to get back into it but am worried my lifestyle wont...
I've googled calories of many protein sources . For eg it says that 100 g of beans has 350 cal but 100 gm of boiled beans has 165 cal. How is that possible? Also on boiling lentils, eggs or beans...
I saw somewhere that when eggs are boiled, they gain calories. Is there any possibility that this could be true? My eggs are 160 per 2 per the nutrition facts, but I was told that when hard boiled they will...
Couldn’t you theoretically just store the water to make it a natural vitamin water? Is this the better and healthier vitamin water alternative 🤔?
Can’t seem to find this answer anywhere on the net. If I wanted to drink electrolytes, while fasting… but I need to keep the water hot (sick, bad throat)… would I be destroying the minerals and electrolytes by adding boiled...
I had my bout with u-know-what last November. A friend introduced me to the rendering of boiled grapefruit and lemon rind. Can’t say for sure what help it did for me. Since then, with some home grown lemons and grapefruit,...
Similar to how boiling vegetables can remove some nutrients, does boiling vegetable noodles do the same? A loved one had a medical issue this past week and needs more vegetables in her diet but she cannot get herself to...
"Eating boiled meat—not broiled, but boiled in water—is probably the safest. Studies [**show**]( if you eat meat that never goes above 212 degrees Fahrenheit, both your urine and feces damage DNA significantly less than if you eat meat dry cooked at...
I got some broccoli and I was wondering how long after eating boiled broccoli will the goitrogens be active in the body and how long until they are out of my system.
A few days back, I had a question about whether boiling on high flame reduces the food's nutrition or not. And find some answers logically and scientifically very much correct; this question might be similar but expecting nutritional effects. Thank...
For instance if I boil chicken, how much protein will dissolve into the water? (If you can put it like that)
Which broth has the most bang for its buck? Chicken, beef, veggies etc.
I’m talking 7-8 days. How would one go about it? Step by step. How to get used to regular eating again, stay healthy and not get bloated? Fruit? Coconut water? Juicing, if so what fruit? Or what Thomas delauer says? Also,...
The google search says that raw cowpeas contain 21g protein / 100g. But cooked cowpeas contain only 7g/100g. Does cooking reduce protein content? or cooking made cowpeas gain water weight, and hence 100g contains only 7g protein?
I'm new to intermittent fasting. I'm starting by having an eating window between 12:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. I've been doing this for 3 months and so far it's been great. I have not noticed a decline in my weight...
What is the best way to cook quinoa - some of my friends suggested pressure cooking it and some said boil it. Latter takes a lot of time and not sure if the former retains the nutritional value.
If consumed in moderation, of course.
Soaked overnight and grounded up chickpeas in a blender to bake falafels. Is the soaking enough to remove the antinutrients/phytates or should the chickpeas be boiled as well? Does the same work when replacing chickpeas with lentils or beans?
Is there any truth behind microwaving destroying nutrients or is that completely made up?
Welcome to the weekly [r/Nutrition]( feature post for questions related to your personal diet and circumstances. Wondering if you are eating too much of something, not enough of something, or if what you regularly eat has the nutritional content you...
My toddler has entered the “eww, yuck” stage, but is still absolutely in love with anything that resembles soup or broth. She just won’t eat anything in the soup… not even shaped pasta or kid friendly store bought stuff. My...
Is it true that letting it soak in boiling hot water reduces it's calories?
Welcome to the weekly [r/Nutrition]( feature post for questions related to your personal diet and circumstances. Wondering if you are eating too much of something, not enough of something, or if what you regularly eat has the nutritional content you...
I am 105 kg. Goal weight 80 (I don't know I need to look healthy) There is a wedding of my friends in 20 days. All my friends whom I havent met in while will be there. I don't expect...
Are there more nutrients in raw vegetables? Do they lose some of their nutrients when cooked (like is it decreased?) I heard cooking vegetables makes it lose all their enzymes, is this true?
I just found out my parents boil chicken and carrots for the dogs every week then throw out the liquid at the end. I tried it today and it tastes just like broth with no salt. I was kind of annoyed...
I am coming off a 7-day fast in 7 hours. I want to eat tomatoes for my first meal. Is this ok?
Hey, for those who have done both extended fast and OMAD, how different is the weight loss? I want to lose a substantial amount of weight. I'm very comfortable doing OMAD, but I'm wondering how much more would I lose...
What’s stopping me from roasting soya beans and grinding it into a powder and adding it to my drinks to make a diy protien powder. Soya Beans have said to have around 25g protein in 50g of soy. Any suggestions/advice?
This guy thinks not: "Consumption of fish, *including smoked fish*, reduces the risk of colon cancer." [](
I go to work at night and school during day for welding. So from 8pm to 130pm I'm out of the house. I have Saturday and Sunday off but I'm just so exhausted on days off to exercise. How can I...
Is it true if you microwave veggies it kills all of their nutrients? I microwave my lunch at work but am I killing all of the nutrients I think I’m eating?
It's still better than the god awful low calorie crash diets we've all put ourselves on in the past! I don't know about you, but I'd rather eat *either* zero calories *or* maintenance calories any day. even the...
What are some of your fav ways to consume 160+ grams of protein a day? Something that wouldn't bore you to death every day, but yet, is simple.
Is it because they are not tasty or they dont digest correctly compared to raw carrots? Why only raw carrots basically? Or maybe they are good to eat raw?
I’m not losing weight due to fasting. I think I may be doing it wrong and I really want to lose weight. My problem is I struggle to get enough calories when I do omad. So I only eat about...
Is freshly milled flour healthier? How quickly does flour lose its nutritional value? I intend to include flour based off legumes, nuts etc in this question, so address separately if necessary.
I know this is too much to ask but can someone give me an exact refeed plan. I don’t wanna regain much weight + I’m very confused my everything on the internet. Please ❤️
Since we won't require oil, the downside will be we won't get fat soluble vitamins. So can we apply oil to veggies before or after cooking to yield the benefits? Edit - By healthiest I mean, nutrient and vitamin retention and...
In particular medication which requires you to eat beforehand. Does anyone have experience with this? Would it be impossible to fast if I need to have these medications twice a day (morning + night) ? Does anyone have any workarounds?
Hi all, I was wondering if someone could answer me the age old question in regards to pork crackling chips: are they too good to be true in terms of protein intake? For context, I am trying to make a list of...
Say you are doing say 20:4. When the beginning of your eating window comes up, should you eat even if you aren’t particularly hungry at that point. The question seems a lot dumber written down than it did in my...
The ingredients list on my rice cakes says “Whole grain brown rice”. Does this mean the food carries all the benefits that whole grain brown rice does? Or does the processing make it like any other refined grain (eg, high...
I've been looking at some flavored green tea and herbal tea options to suppress appetite and increase fat burn during my fasting window. How do I tell if a particular tea will end my fast? Should I avoid flavored teas...
I know someone probably asked before but are raw vegetables okay or are they better cooked?
I want to make me some potatos and I see that online mashed potatoes have a way lower calories count than hash browns. The difference is 326 calories for 100g of hash and 88 calories for 100g of mash. Are...
Hey there. I train Muay Thai around 3-4 times a week and of course, my body requires a lot of energy. Thing is I got a new job in the middle of the day and I have no time to...
Does boiling pasta made from veggie flours like kale and spinach (or lentils) decrease the nutrients from these sources significantly? Like on the package, it says 40% Thiamine but when you cook the pasta, is that actually what you’re getting?...
I was always taught that fresh or steamed veggies are healthier than boiled, as many nutrients break down from the heat and or are leeched out by the boiling process. Since the process of pasteurization uses high heat, wouldn’t some...
I tried fasting two years ago, and stopped because I was always binging, with very rare exceptions. Now I started again and nothing has changed. Do you have any advice on how to stop binge-eating after, say 16h fast?
Foods or herbs that force the body to produce Chondroitin
Trying to switch to brown rice when you eat a lot of white rice can be hard, do you all have any brown rice types/brands/cooking methods that you swear by?
ACEs I think they're called. Roasting is my fav but those black edges concern me. In case someone says don't wait that long, well it tastes undercooked if you don't
Hi, I’ve started a 7 day fast, before thanksgiving. The timing really sucks, because I forgot about Thanksgiving (lol) and actually wanted to do this a lot longer. But will have to partake in the festivities, since my mom is...
What do you snack on when you feel hungry but don’t want to eat an actual meal? (Something that’s easy to prepare or ready to eat) Must be healthty! Mine: pistachios
Curious to know about other people’s experiences, particularly interested to know about longer fasts (5+ days) but all experiences welcome :)
Hello all, I am curious what your tips are to make veggies more palatable without losing their nutrients?
If you go on TikTok (or any social media), you'll find well-known health and weight loss experts (even doctors) saying that intermittent fasting is really just a way to get into a calorie deficit without calorie counting - and you...
Hello! I know that unhealthy is a term that is very very wide and means different things to different people. But why usually for athletes it is recommended not to fry food or to eat food that is not fried? Is...
I'm wondering if there's a site online in which you can tell it what the food is, how much you want to end up with in cooked weight/cook adjusted calories, and have it tell you how much of it raw...
Im hoping to replace the quaker instant maple with something healthier that I can overnight. TIA !
I’ve read that peanut butter causes cancer and roasting doesn’t remove lectins
I have been trying to limit carbs and cut out unhealthy snacks. I am doing 15 9 with 9 hour window but am curious when others eat more carbs or reduce carbs, if at all?
I might have to break my fast soon as my blood sugar is dropping and I'm not sure I can keep it up.. 10 p.m. will be my 5 day water fasting mark.. Are there certain foods I should start with...
title. also, without those protein puddings with 20/30g each which would make the game easier but i want something salty as well. i thought of avocado but google says it has like under 5g so it’s almost pointless. maybe eggs?...
I did my first 32 hour fast or so this past Sunday. I wanted to do it to lose weight. I am a very active person, but I am also incredibly overweight and I shouldn't be with the...
I have plenty of at home recipes, what does everyone make that you can grab in 2 seconds on your way out the door
Obviously they shouldn’t be the only thing you eat, but as a snack from time to time isn’t bad right?
Curious if anyone has any info about stuff like phytic acid in hemp protein powders? Many brands claim to have 60% of the RDA for magnesium in a serving, but wouldn't the amount you actual absorb be a lot less due...
Hello, i’m finishing up a 3 day fast tonight (will try to extend until tomorrow am if I feel up to it), first time ever doing an extended fast so I would appreciate some insight on what to eat tomorrow...
Need some ideas for easy to make meals. I’m on the road from 8-4 and I usually have 2 meals a day. I break my fast @ noon while on the road and I eat again when I get home....
Interested in collating different recommendations for snacks / recipes / meals specifically to break my fast. One of my biggest struggles is hitting my protein goals each day.
How come roasting thing makes them carcinogen but roasting coffee is fine? ?
I love dates. They are so uniquely sweet, soft and chewy, with a candy bar-like texture! What other healthy foods would you consider luxurious?
Summary:Looking for a way to make a bone broth that can get me 20G of collagen a day. Also the legitimacy of Collagen powders? Elaboration: I want to get around 20g of collagen a day. The best way it seems to get...
I’m wanting to learn how to be more Keto with IF. I’m a month into it and adjusting well to 18:6. Have a solid 5 to loose forever to meet my 2022 goal. Any suggestions would be appreciated.