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A thought on birth control and weight loss

So I’ve been thinking about the fact that I’m on birth control for my PCOS and the fact that I’ve been doing IF since the beginning of July but haven’t lost any weight or even inches. I used to be on Yasmin (since Dianette is no longer prescribed in the UK) but since I started getting migraines on them, they switched me to Cerazette which is progesterone only.

For those of you that aren’t aware, being on this progesterone only pill means that I take it everyday and essentially don’t have a period. Due to Cerazette, I haven’t had a period in a year. When I went to the doctor to top up my prescription, and tried to approach the subject that (at a minimum) it was preventing me from losing weight, I was met with my doctor struggling not to eye roll.

So following that inspiring appointment, it suddenly occurred to me how unnatural it was to just stop having periods altogether as a way of managing my PCOS. So I’ve stopped taking Cerazette for over a week, continued doing OMAD, and have so far lost 3.1kg (6.8lbs). Now this could just be water weight but it would be interesting to see if my weight continues to go down. I’ve decided to give it until the beginning of December and see how I get on.

Has anyone else had experiences like this?

Note: I know there may be people who’ll tell me that I need to count calories, but I’ve chosen not to due to the fact that last time I did it I almost developed an eating disorder, and now the idea of counting calories / macros makes me anxious and has sent me into a panic attack before. I’m trying to make this a sustainable way of living without apps or calculations, and instead focus on what spikes my insulin.

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I lost a lot of weight when I came off of long term depo provera (contraceptive injection) which stopped my period entirely. I stupidly went back on it his year and am just coming off it after two injections (so on it for 6 months). I gained 10 lbs (along with a deep depression) and just haven’t been able to get it off, can’t wait until it’s out of my system!


Despite the fact that most doctors have told me that weight gain is not an effect of birth control there is plenty of anecdotal evidence that suggests otherwise. I was doing extended fasts (7+ days) and was not losing any weight at all and then got my Mirena removed and lost 10kg without changing anything. I was tracking calories and exercising because I was convinced I must be consuming more than I thought. My weight loss in the past has also come to a grinding halt in correlation with starting BC. That’s enough proof for me that at least my body has this kind of reaction.


Hi, I am on Cerelle which is also a progesteron only pill, but it’s the 12 hour window one. I did quite a fair amount of research before getting on the pill as weight gained was one of the things I feared would be a side effect. Now, research hasn’t found any correlating evidence behind birth control and weight gain. In fact, a lot of the research undergone has found that BC does not increase appetite either. Thus, BC does not cause weight gain. Taking the pill should not stop you from losing.

The research papers also added that the weight gain could be a side effect OF the birth control side effects. Personally, I find food comfortint and the pill has given me in some really shit moodswings lately. I put on some weight. I could say this is because the BC is making me gain weight but I would be wrong. It’s the moodswings that are causing me to turn to food for comfort and thus my inability to stop my cravings, or underestimating my calories.

ALSO research papers found that water weight could be a huge side effect of birth control! It depends on each person and their body. To be honest I think you might just be going over your daily calorie intake. It’s very easy to underestimate calories but I also understand why you wouldn’t want to count them. We don’t need a period to be healthy and pills can be a godsend for people that have PCOS but at the end of the day, you choose what makes you feel best. I hate my PCOS so I could never go back to having regular periods despite all that side effects of the pull.


My 18 yo daughter started the pill last May for debilitating cramps, acne, pms…. all has gone well. She went away to college and the new pharmacy switched the brand. She went from 110lbs to 128lbs in two months!!! And she doesn’t drink alcohol. Had doctors appointment to get her on the old brand. We’ll see what happens.


I don’t have PCOS but I’m on Cerazette too! Been on it for about 5 years now. Now you’ve got me wondering if I’d lose weight if I went off it… But I’m not sure the trade off would be worth it for me - I love not getting my period!


I’m new to this subreddit. I am prescribed nuvaring for managing PCOS and existing cyst symptoms. I notice my weight loss has been very slow, 25 lbs over the last six months. I eat a Paleo-forward keto diet (under 20 carbs a day) with 36 hr fast and 12 hr eating windows (monk fasting), and I too refuse to count calories. I am determined to lose the weight, and get off the birth control. However, I blame my slow progress more on my diagnosis of PCOS than the birth control itself because the scientific evidence supports the notion that PCOS makes weight loss very difficult. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/28735644/Good luck to you and keep fasting.

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