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A trick I use to not be discouraged when losing only a pound or two a week.

Someone told me this years ago and found it inspiring to keep at it.

If you are disappointed you have only lost a pound or two, just image a pound of butter. Lift it, toss it back and forth between your hands. Realize there is some real weight there. Set it on the cupboard and look at it. That’s how much was slathered all over your body, But not any more.

Visualizing how much a pound really is, helps encourage you that you’ve actually accomplished something.

Keep at it!

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First of all, a pound or two per week is solid weight loss.Secondly your visualization technique is very powerful.I did the same thing. I imagined throwing balls that weighed a couple of pounds into a barrel one by one and imagining that barrel gradually filling up. Finally to the point where the barrel was too heavy to move.


1 lb per week is good, stable, sustainable weightloss! 2lbs per week is a lot! Think, over a year that would equate to 104 lbs! As a Healthcare professiona, o have a question on my I take forms saying, “Have you had a drastic weight loss or gain? Eg more than 20 lbs in the past 12 months?

So 1 lb per week is still really good! Please don’t be discouraged by this. Give yourself a high-five and focus on your Non-scale-victories. 🙌


I would be over the moon for a lb a week. My tdee with 4 workouts/week is calculated at 1350 calories so eating 1100/day (no cheating) gets me 2 lb a month. Throw in a few restaurants meal and I’ve undone progress….Which is why I haven’t lost weight I guess! The upside is that losing 5-7 lbs for me is dropping a dress size ….

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