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Anybody else got parents that encourage being overweight?


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Not my parents in particular but certain members of my family. I lost 100 lbs and got a lot of shit from certain members. My mom hugged me and told me in my ear “You’re too skinny. I don’t like it”. I was 230 pounds at 6’2”, still regarded as ‘overweight’ for my height.

People would ask myself or my wife (she lost 65 lbs) how we lost the weight and we would talk for a minute about a plant based diet and we would recommend a movie and move on. We began to get attacked on FB for “pushing our agenda”. There were several attack posts directed at my wife. This from people who live on FB and post about God and Jesus every single day. The group ranges from obese to morbidly obese with every chronic disease you can think of. We ended up quitting FB altogether and severing relations with to the toxic ones. Our life is better now.


If it makes you happier in the long run and she sees your confidence and happiness improve then she’ll come round. It sounds like she wants you to be happy in your own skin, have you told her about how your weight makes you feel? My mum was the opposite growing up, it didn’t help either.


Thank God, my parents always encouraged physical exercise and a healthy diet.

However, my sister in law is a parent like you describe. She allowed her eldest son to really get overweight. I took him to the gym and when he grabbed the pull up bar it lifted his shirt and I saw severe stretch marks.

Now he’s 17, he’s making a conscious effort to undo all that but she is (consciously or otherwise) filling the house with sugary crap and take aways.

When my kids go over I usually get into a minor argument over her shoving sugar into my kids’ hands.

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Categories: courage overweight shit obese healthy diet sugar