| | Water Fasting


Hiya! I have done fasting in the past but starting again is always so hard. What are some of your best methods for getting through the beginning phases? (When you’re hungry on hour 4 of a 10 hour fast etc.) My self discipline needs some help lol.


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Yeesh hour 4 of a 10 hr fast, 10 hrs is barely a fast lol. Just power through, maybe shoot for a little bit higher goals and keep them regular. Start maybe with 16:8 or 18:6. I think at 10 hour fasting you’re not pushing your body enough to start losing hunger paings. Electrolytes are great help, water, keeping busy. Slowly broaden that fast window as you feel fit. I am a bit believer in extended fasting once a week as well. 24 then 36 then 48 etc and after every one of those my “fasting muscle” increases as well as tolerance.


There isn’t a whole lot you can do. I’m fairly new to fasting so being a beginner is new in my memory lol.

I started with 16:8. I had dinner and then fasted till lunch the next day. In the morning I just had black coffee and water, if I was craving food I’d chew gum. Once you’re “comfortable” with 16:8 work for 18:6 then 20:4 and so on.

Mind set was the biggest thing that had to change for me, once I realized that being hungry at hour 4 is the same hunger that I’m going to feel later on fasting got easier. Hunger never gets past a certain point. If you can make it past the first hunger pangs you can make it through more.

This goes for fasting and life in general - get comfortable being uncomfortable (within reason obviously).


When you feel bored call a friend and chat. The hunger will strike and play tricks on your mind to get you to break your fast. Recently I have been eating ice. I don’t mind the taste of water but just only drinking water straight gets really tiresome. Plus the chewing satisfies the feeling the need to eat. Gives my mouth something to chew

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