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Can i be stunting my growth


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That’s a relatively low amount of calories for an adult, especially for a developing male of your height.

I’m surprised you’re not feeling hungry with that calorie count. The body typically wants more food than it “needs” whilst it’s developing. Are you sure you’re tracking everything correctly?


You could be eating 1800 calories of sweets— that would screw up your growth.

If you’re packing your 1800 calories in meals and snacks with good nutritious food- whole fruit and veg, whole grains, low-fat dairy, fish, lean meats, beans, seeds, nuts, etc, and you feel good, that’s the goal.

You are doing right by not eating when you’re not hungry. Your body knows.


Your growth isn’t just calories, so depends what you’re eating. Also nobody ever can calculate the calories they are actually eating with weighing everything out so unless you’ve done that for every meal, I’d guess you are under counting.

Even if you are eating 1800 calories of pringles and you know the calories written on the tubes of pringles, it’s probably not accurate. Stuff that says 1 pack weighs X usually actually had more in it.If you’re not weighing food and thinking it’s probably 1800 calories a day I would put money on you under estimating what you eat.

If you are only eating food from packets then you are probably not giving your body the best start in life whether that’s growth or strength because you’re not eating the right stuff, getting the varied nutrients you need or developing a healthy biome or ecosystem in your gut which affects things like your immune system.

You want to eat when hungry but make sure your week has plenty of good food in it. If you don’t love healthy food don’t worry you really don’t have to eat some perfect diet or micro manage it, but over your life it will get more important and affect you more, so start trying to build habits bit by bit, one meal at a time get a handful of leaves on your plate, try new things, make an effort to eat more fruit and veg and when you find something healthy you really like, ask for it more often or try keep more of it around to snack on.

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Categories: calories snack fruit whole grain fish meat habits