| | Water Fasting

Daily regimen (food, exercise, timing)

My happy weight it 130. I’m not trying to be a super model, just trying to stay lean.

I have a 1 year old and a full time job at a tech start up so free time is RARE and I can barely squeeze in 3 days a week for a workout (#workingparent).

I feel like I can’t lose any weight unless I exercise AND fast. It’s so hard to squeeze in a damn workout these days!

Hoping to get some inspiration!

I’d love to hear other’s schedules on when they workout and when they eat. Hear stories of some joggers with hectics schedules that get it done!


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I work out during the work day. I know not everyone has that option. I’m very open about it and people expect me to be at the gym at some point during the day. The timing depends on meetings and what’s going on. I make it to the gym most days.

I also get up really early to fit in a long walk in the morning and a couple of things I wanted to add as regular tasks.

I meal prep for the week so I don’t have to worry about that. I eat at my desk which leaves more time for the gym.

Do you have a partner? If so how much of the work at home and with your 1 yo are they doing?

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