| | Water Fasting

Do any of you have ways to motivate yourselves when others try to discrourage you?

I have been mixing a lot of OMAD into my life recently, and in the last two weeks have lost about 9 pounds. I am feeling really good about it. It works way better for me than normal dieting. Before I started, I did a 7 day water fast and that is what made me realize this could work for me. During the water fast, I kept asking myself if I would rather continue fasting or eat something like a salad, grilled chicken, or some other “diet” food. My answer was always a resounding “no” XD. It was soon after that realized a single midday meal could satisfy me enough to make it through the day. I eat until I am satisfied and I am losing weight! For the first time, I feel like I found a sustainable way for me to get to a healthy weight. Reading all of your success stories has really helped me. I see people with a body built similar to mine making it work.

All that said, some of my family has not been conducive to this. They often say “One extra meal won’t hurt you. Just enjoy it if you want to!” Also “Are you sure you aren’t hurting yourself?” I feel the best I ever have. Knowing my family history, my ancestors often went without food. My family keeps giving me an out from what I feel could be my way to health. The only things that have really kept me going is that I now know that I really, really want to have a fit body, more than ever before, and the compelling results. I will not give up, I just wanted to hear any tips you have to deal with people close to you dragging you down.

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Baring some very unhealthy relationship dynamics that would need professional health, your family is not ‘dragging you down’. They care about you and that you’re taking care of yourself.

The best things to do is talk to them. Talk about what your goals are and how you’ve found something that works well for you and your body. Talk about how it makes you feel when they push food on you, even with the best intentions. Listen to their concerns as well and work together to address them.


I think since it’s your family it might be worth sitting then down to say, I know you don’t mean to discourage me, but these types of comments make me feel like you’re not approving of a lifestyle I happen to love.

The comments seem fairly innocuous, and I’m sure their intention isn’t to upset you. Don’t take it personally! Remember that family can be unintentionally insensitive because their opinions mean so much to us. Keep your eyes on the prize.


I think we are so engrained to think we need to eat three full meals a day, that other people think it’s unhealthy to eat less.

I know that what im doing makes me feel better and helps me lose weight. Fasting really helped my low blood sugar problem so I tell people that and they usually shut up


It’s your body and your decision. They are your family, but let them know their comments are not helping. My start weight was 300 pounds and not one person in my family seemed concerned about my health. As soon as I started losing using OMAD, I got the same comments. Inform them and if they continue to persist, just ignore them and enjoy the results of losing weight.


As long as you’re getting all the calories you need for the day, you’re fine.

I have seen a fine line between IF and anorexia. The latter usually uses OMAD for their excuse but they eat so little. Half of a salad, even a whole single salad isn’t usually enough (unless it has all the extra fats and proteins you need).

Fasting is great when used correctly.

If you’re getting the calories you need, there’s nothing to worry about. It’s likely your family sees OMAD and thinks you’re not getting enough food. If you show them the balance of everything you’re eating and what’s required for a healthy person, even during weightloss, it might help. 🙂


Been there lol. Two things I try to remember - the average person is usually overweight (or more), and the average person is not very informed. Being better than the average person requires better knowledge and effort than the average person - doing the same things they do will get you the same places they are. Now that said sometimes a skinny person who woofs down whatever they want will say stuff like this to you too. Lucky bastards, oh well, carry on

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