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do i need to tell my nutritionist that i vape weed?

she sent me a questionnaire and one of the questions was “do you smoke?”. i answered “no, but i do vape, nothing w nicotine though”

in my country, saying that you do smoke but you don’t smoke nicotine is code for “i smoke weed” so i think she’ll understand.

if she asks directly, is there a medical-nutrition-related reason I should answer honestly? would my new diet be ruined if i say i don’t smoke weed but i actually do?

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Unless there’s a strong legal reason not to, I certainly would. There are all kinds of chemical interactions between the things we take in, whether gas, liquid, or solid. I’m not saying weed is one of those things, but unless I knew for an absolute fact that it WASN’T, I would tell any health professional that I was paying to give me advice.


I don’t think you need to disclose it, but also no harm in doing so.

I’m an RD and don’t generally ask outright but have had people bring it up due to impacts on appetite. I wouldn’t judge their usage or offer any specific advice related to it, but have encouraged people to reflect on whether it affects their eating, and if it does, whether they feel like that’s something they want to change, or how do we manage nutrition goals in that context.


I would feel safe in lying and answering no

I can’t recall ever reading a study that showed adverse effects like alcohol would on a path to better health/fitness

If your goal is eating/being/feeling healthier this shouldn’t really be a major factor in nutrition

Now… There was a study that showed weed can tamper some people’s drive and motivation so you may want to reassess if you have trouble “gearing up” to improve yourself. I’m personally successful and I smoke so this doesn’t impact me like the study concluded.


Idk what you’re country is but quite frankly I was just thinking today that I wish it were easier to withhold sensitive medical information from new providers as a patient. I think the stigma associated with marijuana makes it a sensitive enough topic, one which wouldn’t impact your diet. I would withhold that information period. Like unless it’s fully legal I would simply not tell anyone I did it ever. You do you tho.

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